Have you recently adopted a cat or brought home a kitten for fostering? As a paw-rent, it’s important to provide for every aspect of her life. This includes preparing a safe, designated space for her, and mentally stimulating her through toys. Preparing nourishing meals is also essential since what she eats greatly affects her growth and well-being. However, it’s valuable to know that growing cats, pregnant queens, and senior felines all have different nutritional needs. If you’re a cat parent interested in including nuts or seeds in your kitty’s diet, read on to find out:
- What kind of food should cats eat?
- What are nuts and seeds?
- Can cats eat nuts?
- Can cats eat seeds?
- How should you feed your cat nuts, seeds, or other types of food for the first time?
REMINDER: This blog post should not replace a consultation with your veterinarian. It is only meant to be a quick feeding guide that you can refer to.
What kind of food should cats eat?
Cats are obligate carnivores that need animal-derived protein to survive and thrive. By eating high-quality meat from complete and balanced cat food, they get the right amount of protein, fat, and water. More importantly, they receive vital nutrients such as arginine, taurine, retinol, and niacin, which their bodies cannot produce. Without these vitamins and minerals, cats can suffer from health complications. A weakened immune system, loss of sight, and heart failure are just some of the ailments they can experience.
Unlike dogs that are omnivores, cats do not have the capacity to digest large amounts of carbohydrates found in plant-based food. Therefore, cats should only consume fruits and vegetables in moderation and in small quantities. Aside from carbohydrates, plant-based food also contains nutrients that cats do not always need or cannot digest properly. There are even certain compounds that are poisonous for cats. As such, it’s best to speak with your veterinarian before offering food that comes from plants.
What are nuts and seeds?
Taken from trees, nuts are edible seeds that grow inside hard shells. Its outer casing does not split open even after the fruit matures. As a whole, nuts contain healthy unsaturated fats, protein, fiber, and magnesium. On the other hand, a seed is an embryonic plant. It is enclosed in a protective outer covering and contains a food reserve. Seeds can come from a variety of sources including vegetables, flowers, and other crops. Most of these edible seeds provide healthy fat and fiber.
By definition, all nuts are seeds, but not all seeds are nuts. Because of their nutrient content, nuts and seeds are said to have similar health benefits. They can assist humans with weight maintenance as well as the reduction of diabetes and heart disease. Aside from nuts, grains (cereals and millets) and legumes are also edible seeds.

Can cats eat nuts?
In general, it is not recommended for cats to eat nuts. This is because some types are high in fat; others contain compounds considered dangerous for pets. Depending on the type of nut you give her, she may experience vomiting, diarrhea, upset stomach, dilated pupils, and/or hyperventilation. Long-term feeding of cat-safe nuts may also increase the risk of pancreatitis, diabetes, and weight gain. Play it safe by simply not offering any type of nut to your cat. It is best not to let her get used to its taste and texture, so she doesn’t accidentally ingest a toxic variety.
High in fat, almonds can do more harm than good to your pet cat. The chemical compound cyanogenic glycosides may also cause dilated pupils, upset stomach, and hyperventilation.
Plain cashews may be given to grown cats in very limited amounts, but only if they’re broken into bite-sized pieces.
A member of the cashew family, pistachios have hard seeds and shells that can result in choking and stomach or intestinal block. Regularly giving pistachios to your cat may bring about pancreatitis, weight gain, and feline obesity.
Loaded with antioxidants, walnuts come from trees that belong to the genus Junglans. They’re high in fat and oil, making them unsafe for cats. Plus, when accidentally consumed, the nut’s tough exterior can cause airway or intestinal blockage.
DID YOU KNOW? Because of its name, peanuts are categorised incorrectly. They’re not true nuts. Instead, they are actually vegetables that fall under the legume family.
Can cats eat seeds?
Seeds contain nutrients such as vitamins B and E, iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. In addition, they help prevent constipation because of their fiber content.
Rich in omega-3 fatty acid, chia seeds are tiny black or white seeds that gain a gel-like coating after being soaked in water. A small portion can be given to cats, but it is best to give it in grounded form.
Also called Chinese parsley and dhania, coriander seeds come from the cilantro plant. It is used as an herb and spice, and contains calcium, iron, manganese, and vitamins A and C. Cats can eat small amounts of coriander as it is non-toxic to cats.
Commonly used as a spice, cumin can support your cat in various ways. This includes helping with digestion, weight maintenance, and disease prevention. The seed comes from the Cuminum cyminum plant, which belongs to the parsley family.
Whether in seed or paste form, mustard is not recommended for cats. The yellow-coloured seeds can cause gastroenteritis, which manifests as persistent vomiting and diarrhea. The hot flavour can also make them nauseous and gassy.
Taken from squash varieties, pumpkin seeds can be enjoyed by cats in raw or roasted form. The light green seeds are known for containing copper, zinc, beta carotene, and vitamins A and B6.
Quinoa seeds are taken from the flowering plant of the same name. It is a pseudocereal that is packed with plant-based protein, fiber, B vitamins, and minerals. When feeding it to your cat, only offer boiled and unflavoured quinoa.
Edible sesame seeds grow in pods. Depending on whether they’re hulled or not, they can come in golden brown or white colour. This type of seed is harder to digest, so give it sparingly to your cat.
Found inside black and white shells, sunflower seeds are harvested from actual flowerheads. They’re high in calories and fat, so limit serving them to your feline pet. Plus, the hard shells can cause choking, internal tears, and gastrointestinal blocks.
TIP: Check out this compilation list to discover which legumes and beans are safe for cats to eat.
How should you feed your cat nuts, seeds, or other types of food for the first time?
Before allowing your cat to eat anything new, speak with your veterinarian. The amount of seeds or nuts given to her should be adjusted accordingly based on her age, size, weight, activity levels, and health conditions. If your vet allows a certain type of food to be added to her diet, let her try one piece first and observe her while she eats. See how she reacts to it over the next 24 hours. In addition, the hard shells of nuts and seeds should be disposed of properly to avoid blockage or dental injuries.
Refrain from serving your cat nuts or seeds that are mixed with other ingredients such as salt, onion, garlic, sugar, and spices. These common kitchen condiments are dangerous for cats, and may poison your pet immediately. Chocolate-coated nuts should also be avoided since theobromine and caffeine are both lethal for her.
If your cat accidentally eats nuts or seeds mixed with harmful ingredients, watch for these signs: salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, twitching and fitting, difficulty in breathing, shock or collapse, skin inflammation or swelling, and depression or coma. In addition, observe for changes in her drinking, eating, and excreting habits.
Learn more about cat feeding through our comprehensive “can cats eat” category. Or if you own a canine pet, you can also check out our “can dogs eat” posts.
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