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Can dogs eat grits?

Can Dogs Eat Grits?

It depends.  Grits is a porridge dish made with cornmeal, which comes from dried corn. Usually prepared by mixing cornmeal and water (or milk) over heat, it is a common breakfast dish served with either savoury or sweet seasonings. Different variations include hominy grits, yellow speckled grits, and cheese grits. The porridge colour depends on… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Grits?

dog eating bread

Which grains can your dog eat? 6 types to try

Did you know that anything made using rice or oats is part of the grains group? Grains are packed with dietary fiber, carbohydrates, iron, and B vitamins that support various body functions. But the question is, do dogs need grains in their diet? And as a paw parent, how much and which grains should you… Continue reading Which grains can your dog eat? 6 types to try

uncooked pasta

Can Dogs Eat Uncooked Pasta?

No, it is not recommended for dogs to eat uncooked pasta. Pasta is made using unleavened flour dough combined with water or eggs. It originated from Italy, and is used in many cooked and baked dishes. It comes in many forms and colours, from flat sheets and short tubes to stuffable dumplings.  A limited amount… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Uncooked Pasta?

yellow rice

Can Dogs Eat Yellow Rice?

No, it is not recommended for dogs to eat yellow rice. Yellow rice gets its colour from spices such as turmeric, saffron, or annatto. This traditional dish is served in many countries ranging from Spain to India. It also goes by other names such as saffron rice, kaha buth, and nasi kuning.  Though the natural… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Yellow Rice?

fried rice

Can Dogs Eat Fried Rice?

No, dogs should not eat fried rice because of potentially toxic ingredients that may be found in it. Fried rice consists of cooked rice stir-fried with oil and other ingredients in a hot pan. Originating from China, the filling dish has been developed by various Asian cuisines. It can contain a wide array of ingredients… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Fried Rice?

wild rice

Can Dogs Eat Wild Rice?

Yes, dogs can eat cooked wild rice in moderation. Wild rice is also known as manoomin, Indian rice, Canada rice, and water oats. Despite its name, wild rice is actually made up of edible seeds from aquatic grass of the genus Zizania. This whole grain is said to contain more fiber and less calories, fat,… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Wild Rice?

jasmine rice

Can Dogs Eat Jasmine Rice?

Yes, dogs can eat limited amounts of jasmine rice as long as it is cooked plainly. Jasmine rice is a type of white rice that is grown primarily in Southeast Asia. It is an aromatic long grain that’s thinner than other rice variants. This kind of rice is known for being moist, soft, and sticky… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Jasmine Rice?

corn on the cob

Can Cats Eat Corn on the Cob?

No, cats should not eat corn on the cob because of its potential risks. Corn is considered both a cereal grain and a starchy vegetable. It is high in carbohydrates, vitamins, potassium, and folic acid that can benefit humans. However, the same cannot be said about cats. These animals are obligate carnivores that rely on… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Corn on the Cob?

noodle soup

Can Cats Eat Noodles?

It depends. A staple food source, noodles come from unleavened dough that’s rolled, cut, and shaped into various forms. It is made using various ingredients available to each region, such as wheat, rice, egg, and quinoa.  Cats are obligate carnivores. They do not need high amounts of carbohydrates to function. Since noodle is a type… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Noodles?

cooked oatmeal

Can Cats Eat Oatmeal?

Yes, cats can occasionally eat plain oatmeal in limited quantities. Oatmeal is a cooked cereal grain that is usually eaten by humans at breakfast time. Steel-cut, rolled, or instant oats are commonly used to produce this healthy meal. Depending on the oats, the dish can contain vitamins E and B6, iron, manganese, selenium, and zinc. … Continue reading Can Cats Eat Oatmeal?

uncooked rice

Can Dogs Eat Uncooked Rice?

No, dogs should not eat uncooked rice. Rice is a type of edible grain that comes from the seed of grass species Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima. Its popular forms include white and brown rice, which vary in how they are processed. The nutritional value found in each type also varies depending on the soil… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Uncooked Rice?

instant oatmeal

Can Dogs Eat Instant Oatmeal?

No, it is not recommended for dogs to eat instant oatmeal. Typically eaten during breakfast, oatmeal is a hot porridge-like dish. Compared to other forms of oats, instant oatmeal is thinner and has a shorter cooking time. As such, many people opt to buy and eat it. The soluble fiber found in instant oatmeal is… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Instant Oatmeal?