No, it is not recommended for dogs to eat yellow rice.
Yellow rice gets its colour from spices such as turmeric, saffron, or annatto. This traditional dish is served in many countries ranging from Spain to India. It also goes by other names such as saffron rice, kaha buth, and nasi kuning.
Though the natural dyes in itself are not toxic to dogs, the other ingredients combined with yellow rice may be bad for your pet. For example, South African yellow rice is commonly made with sugar, raisins, and cinnamon, all of which are not good for dogs. Meanwhile, the Indonesian variant calls for coconut milk being mixed with the rice. This may produce gastrointestinal problems for your pooch. The Filipino version, on the other hand, uses lemongrass. This is an herb known for being toxic for dogs and cats.
What to do if your dog accidentally eats yellow rice: Check the list of ingredients used to make yellow rice. If you spot anything potentially hazardous, speak with your veterinarian immediately.
Also, watch him for any signs of food poisoning. Observe him for vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, dehydration, lack of appetite, tremors, seizures, incoordination, and collapse. The severity of these symptoms will depend on the ingredients used, his size, how much he ate, and how sensitive his stomach is.
In summary: When it comes to feeding your dog rice, play it safe by sticking to plainly cooked brown or white rice. Though he may derive nutrients from yellow rice, eating it may also come with additional health risks. Other than grains, learn which human foods you can safely give your canine pet through our “can dogs eat” blog category.
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