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uncooked oatmeal

Can Dogs Eat Uncooked Oatmeal?

No, dogs should not eat uncooked oatmeal. Made from oats, oatmeal is a hot porridge-like dish. The cereal grains are edible seeds of oat grass, which are ground, rolled, or flattened. Dogs as well as cats can enjoy plainly cooked oatmeal devoid of other ingredients. It is a great source of plant-based protein, vitamins, minerals,… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Uncooked Oatmeal?

italian bread

Can Dogs Eat Italian Bread?

It is not recommended for dogs to eat Italian bread because of its potentially harmful ingredients. Italian bread comes in many forms, sizes, colours, and textures. Well-known types include focaccia, ciabatta, coppia ferrarese, piadina romagnola, and grissino. These breads may be baked with various herbs and spices, some of which are known to be harmful… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Italian Bread?

white bread

Can Dogs Eat White Bread?

Yes, dogs can eat plain white bread in moderation. White bread is produced using wheat flour. The bread is lighter in colour because the flour’s bran and germ layers have been stripped away. This process makes it possible for white bread to last longer than other bread types. Depending on the recipe, its ingredients may… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat White Bread?

Can Dogs Eat Noodles?

It depends. High in carbohydrates, noodles are long strings or strips made with ingredients such as wheat, rice, egg, or unleavened dough depending on its country of origin. From Italian pasta to Japanese udon, noodles can be cooked in boiling water, pan-fried, or deep-fried and served with toppings or combined with sauce or soup.    Noodles… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Noodles?

Can Cats Eat Grains?

Yes, cats can eat grains in limited amounts. Grains are small, hard seeds that come from cereal and legume crops. They are harvested and dried for human and animal consumption. Popular cereal crops include rice, corn, oats, rye, wheat, and barley. Meanwhile, popular grain legumes or pulses include common beans, soybeans, peas, peanuts, and lentils.… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Grains?

Can Cats Eat Corn Kernels?

Yes, cats can eat corn kernels if they are cooked plainly. Considered a starchy vegetable and cereal grain, corn is packed with carbohydrates, vitamins, potassium, and folic acid that can benefit humans. However, the same nutrients are not necessarily beneficial to cats who are obligate carnivores. Since their bodies function differently, they need to consume… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Corn Kernels?

Can Cats Eat Flour?

It depends. Flour is powder that comes from grinding raw grains, beans, nuts, roots, or seeds. Common types of flour include cereal flour (wheat being the most popular), corn flour, rye flour, and more.  Technically speaking, flour is non-toxic for cats. In fact, some commercially sold cat food contain small amounts of flour. The danger… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Flour?

Can Cats Eat Quinoa?

Yes, cats can eat quinoa. Belonging to the amaranth family, quinoa consists of edible seeds taken from the quinoa flowering plant. It is a pseudocereal that is used in the same way as grains. Quinoa seeds are packed with protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins, and dietary minerals—some of which are even higher compared to other… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Quinoa?

Can Cats Eat White Rice?

Yes, cats can eat white rice but only in limited amounts. Known for its clean and polished appearance, white rice is milled and does not have its husk, bran, and germ. The process of making white rice takes away several essential vitamins and dietary minerals that are found in brown rice. That is why when… Continue reading Can Cats Eat White Rice?

Can Cats Eat Porridge?

Yes, cats can eat porridge in small quantities. Porridge is a breakfast dish that is prepared by combining ground or crushed grain with boiled water or milk. Oatmeal is one of the most common types of porridge. Made from oats, it contains fiber and nutrients such as B vitamins, zinc, and iron that can help… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Porridge?

Can Dogs Eat White Rice?

Dogs can occasionally eat cooked white rice. Appearing bright and shiny in raw form, white rice is a less nutritious grain choice because of how it is made. The process involves removing its husk, bran, and germ so that it is easier to digest. Plus, it can be stored for longer periods of time.  White… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat White Rice?

Can Dogs Eat Oats?

Yes, dogs can eat oats as long as they are cooked plainly. Oats are cereal grains that are high in plant-based protein and fat. They are commonly consumed by humans as oatmeal and rolled oats, but even dogs and cats can enjoy them as they are a good source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and soluble… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Oats?