Can Cats Eat Corn Kernels? | Waldo's Friends

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Can Cats Eat Corn Kernels?

Can Cats Eat Corn Kernels?

Yes, cats can eat corn kernels if they are cooked plainly.

Considered a starchy vegetable and cereal grain, corn is packed with carbohydrates, vitamins, potassium, and folic acid that can benefit humans. However, the same nutrients are not necessarily beneficial to cats who are obligate carnivores. Since their bodies function differently, they need to consume a larger amount of animal-derived protein to survive.

Your cat can eat cooked corn kernels, but only when certain conditions are met. One, these should be cooked plainly without butter. Common seasonings such as salt, garlic, and onion powder should not be added to flavour the kernels. These are toxic and may poison your cat.  

Additionally, it is important to know that some cats may be allergic to corn. If your cat is suffering from a food allergy, she may manifest various symptoms. These include vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, frequent scratching, hair loss, skin inflammation, chronic ear problems, coughing, wheezing, and/or sneezing. 

How to feed corn kernels to your cat: Always consult with your veterinarian. Get his approval before letting your cat try corn kernels or anything new. Let her eat a piece of mashed kernel for the first time. Monitor any changes in her mood, behaviour, eating, and litter box habits. Also, observe for symptoms of corn allergy.    

In summary: Cooked corn kernels are present in some commercially sold cat food. As such, they are safe for cats to eat. Though corn is packed with nutritional benefits, it does not provide the essential protein and vitamins your cat needs to thrive. Therefore, you should only give it to her as a treat sparingly.  

Aside from corn kernels, learn which fruits and vegetables you can safely feed your pet cat. Check out our “can cats eat” blog category.


Important Information on Food Allergies & Intolerance in Your Cat

Can Cats Eat Corn? Is Corn Safe For Cats?

Can Cats Eat Corn Or Is It Bad For Them?

Can Cats Eat Corn? Is It Harmful For Your Kitty?

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