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How to Stop Your Cat from Scratching Furniture

Is your favourite couch scratched beyond recognition? Is your vintage carpet desperately asking to be rolled up after another destructive clawing session from your cat? If you find yourself constantly hoping your cat would stop scratching your furniture, floors, rugs, and other items, you’re in luck! We’ve done our research to find the best ways… Continue reading How to Stop Your Cat from Scratching Furniture

Let’s talk rescue and what it means to “adopt, don’t shop”

Let’s Talk Rescue and What It Means to “Adopt, Don’t Shop”

What is an animal rescue?  An animal rescue organisation aimed at taking companion animals from situations where they are at risk of euthanasia for reasons not related to behaviour or health. An example would be a rescue that pulls dogs from shelters with a policy of euthanising dogs that are not adopted within a certain… Continue reading Let’s Talk Rescue and What It Means to “Adopt, Don’t Shop”

Things You Should Know Before Adopting a Cat

Whether you’re considering bringing home a full-grown cat from a rescue shelter or taking in a friend’s foster kitten, adopting a cat is a lifetime commitment. Choosing to adopt means you’ve thought about all the aspects of responsible pet care, from providing quality food and healthcare to keeping your cat groomed and entertained all year… Continue reading Things You Should Know Before Adopting a Cat

Backyard Fun: Create a Catio for Your Cat

House cats are natural predators who love to hunt. Just like their ancestors that lived in the wild, they have agile bodies made for hunting as well as keen senses that help them catch their prey. You’ll see it in the way your cat leaps to catch the feather at the end of the wand… Continue reading Backyard Fun: Create a Catio for Your Cat

12 Easy DIY Toys to Make for Cats and Dogs

As pawrents, we’ve all fallen under the marketing spell of the “hottest” pet toys and bought them for our furbabies… only to find them ignored and gathering dust in a corner. Instead, our pets have found joy in the simplest of things, such as an old teddy bear or a tattered paper bag that has… Continue reading 12 Easy DIY Toys to Make for Cats and Dogs

Animal Talk with Dr Jo Righetti

Pet Problems Solved is an online resource for pet parents that provides practical tips on how to solve common pet behaviour problems. Dr Jo Righetti, the Australian animal behaviourist behind the website, is passionate about helping pet owners enjoy harmonious relationships with their four-legged companions. Stay tuned to her website for enlightening articles about living… Continue reading Animal Talk with Dr Jo Righetti

Cat Grooming at Home

Cat Grooming at Home

Wondering what’s the best way to groom your cat at home? Cat grooming is an essential part to keeping your kitty happy and healthy. Luckily, cats do a lot of the hard work themselves; cats are naturally clean animals, and you’ll frequently see these creatures licking themselves or their playmates. However, there are still some… Continue reading Cat Grooming at Home

What is Kitten Season?

If someone says “It’s kitten season!”, it probably sounds like a super exciting time, when we can all enjoy adorable kittens. While it’s true that kittens are wonderful little fluff balls, kitten season isn’t so positive. In reality, kitten season contributes to the overpopulation problem, causes tons of kitten deaths, and is a huge burden… Continue reading What is Kitten Season?

adopting a cat

Your Guide to Adopting a Cat from Rescue Shelters

Congratulations! You’re on your way to adopting a cat! Apart from gaining a friend for life, you’re also providing a better home for him/her. This guide covers all the necessary information you need in order to adopt a cat from a rescue shelter, including: Deciding and planning for adoption Cat proofing your house Choosing a… Continue reading Your Guide to Adopting a Cat from Rescue Shelters

How to become a foster carer for pet rescue

How to become a pet foster carer

You’re thinking about becoming a foster carer. Congratulations! You’re on your way to helping animals find their forever homes. Pet rescue is about a whole lot more than adopting your own fur friend. In this guide to becoming a foster carer, we’ll cover important points to consider before submitting an application to bring an animal… Continue reading How to become a pet foster carer