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Are Panda Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Panda Plants Toxic to Cats?

Yes, panda plants are toxic to cats.  Panda plants are succulents known for their fuzzy grey-green leaves with brown-coloured tips. Scientifically called Kalanchoe tomentosa, the plant is classified under the family Crassulaceae and is native to Madagascar. It goes by other names such as black tie, chocolate soldier, golden girl, and teddy bear.  Succulent Plant… Continue reading Are Panda Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Pitcher Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Pitcher Plants Toxic to Cats?

Some pitcher plants are mildly toxic to cats.  Pitcher plant is a general term for carnivorous plants with modified leaves that resemble liquid-holding jugs. Called pitfall traps, the unique foliage contains nectar that can digest the prey it manages to capture. Plant families that have pitcher plants include Sarraceniaceae and Nepenthaceae.  The American Society for… Continue reading Are Pitcher Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Hyacinth Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Hyacinth Plants Toxic to Cats?

Yes, hyacinth plants are toxic to cats.  Hyacinth, or Hyacinthus orientalis, is known for its tall, fragrant, colourful flowers that bloom in springtime. Its other monikers include common hyacinth, Dutch hyacinth, or garden hyacinth. Belonging to the family Asparagaceae, the genus natively grows in the eastern Mediterranean region, particularly in countries such as Palestine and… Continue reading Are Hyacinth Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Begonia Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Begonia Plants Toxic to Cats?

Yes, begonia plants are toxic to cats.  A type of perennial flowering plant, Begonia is a genus with 2,002 species. Ranging from stemmed to tuberous, the genus grows best in subtropical and tropical moist climates. Begonia plants have large, variegated, and asymmetrical leaves. Its attractive flowers may bloom in pink, yellow, white, and red.  Wikipedia… Continue reading Are Begonia Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Onion Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Onion Plants Toxic to Cats?

Yes, onion plants are toxic to cats.  Belonging to the Allium genus, an onion is a plant that’s commonly grown as a vegetable. As long, fan-shaped leaves grow over the soil, a bulb takes form underground. Also called bulb onion and common onion, the widely cultivated plant can be served raw or cooked.  Though safe… Continue reading Are Onion Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Cordyline Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Cordyline Plants Toxic to Cats?

Yes, cordyline plants are toxic to cats.  Cordyline is a genus belonging to the Asparagaceae family. These flowering plants are native to places such as Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, and South America. At present, 24 species belong to this genus. Cordyline australis (commonly known as cabbage tree) and Cordyline fruticosa (also called ti plant,… Continue reading Are Cordyline Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Agave Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Agave Plants Toxic to Cats?

Yes, agave plants are toxic to cats.  Sometimes mistaken as cactus, agave is a type of succulent that also thrives in arid regions. The spiny plant is recognised for the rosette or circular formation of its fleshy leaves. A genus of monocots, it is also called century plant and American aloe. Though the American Society… Continue reading Are Agave Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Cactus Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Cactus Plants Toxic to Cats?

Some cactus plants are toxic to cats.  A cactus is a plant that belongs to the Cactaceae family with about 127 different genera. This type of succulent thrives in dry environments due to its fleshy stems that can hold more water. Another unique feature of most cactus plants is that they do not have leaves.… Continue reading Are Cactus Plants Toxic to Cats?

safe indoor plants for cats

10 Indoor Plants Safe for Cats

Being a responsible pet parent entails providing for the basic needs of your cat. Aside from giving nutritious meals and grooming her regularly, she needs to live in a safe and enriching environment. This space should be filled with toys, scratching posts, clean litter boxes, and even handpicked plants that could keep her mentally stimulated. … Continue reading 10 Indoor Plants Safe for Cats

top 10 toxic plants for cats

Top 10 Toxic Plants for Cats

Ever witnessed your cat nibble, sniff, or rub her body against the leaves of a plant? There may be a variety of reasons for her strange actions. She could be curious about the plant, unknowingly lack fiber and certain nutrients in her food, or simply enjoy its texture or taste. As a cat owner, her… Continue reading Top 10 Toxic Plants for Cats

Are Elephant Ear Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Elephant Ear Plants Toxic to Cats?

Yes, elephant ear plants are mildly toxic to cats.  The elephant ear plant got its name from its large green leaves, which are similar in shape to an elephant’s ear. Scientifically named Colocasia, this genus of flowering plants falls under the family Araceae. The plants are native to countries such as India and Southeast Asia.… Continue reading Are Elephant Ear Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Basil Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Basil Plants Toxic to Cats?

No, basil plants are not toxic to cats. A culinary herb that belongs to the Lamiaceae family, basil is native to Southeast Asia and Central Africa. The widely used tender plant has many varieties and monikers. This includes great basil, Genovese basil, sweet basil, Thai basil, Mrs. Burns’ Lemon, and Saint Joseph’s Wort.  As a… Continue reading Are Basil Plants Toxic to Cats?