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Can cats drink milk? We review 7 milk options!

An excellent source of vitamins and minerals, milk is a nutrient-rich liquid that comes from mammals or even plants. It contains calcium, magnesium, riboflavin, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A and B12. Newborns and young mammals drink the milk of their mothers as their primary source of nutrition before moving on to solids. This includes… Continue reading Can cats drink milk? We review 7 milk options!

Cat Throwing Up White Foam and Not Eating: 7 Possible Reasons

Cats are animals notoriously known for hiding signs of illness and pain. When a cat is feeling unwell, she may exhibit subtle changes. These signs include a change in her overall appearance, litter box usage, sociability, energy level, coat (including the amount of fur she sheds), breathing, eye/nose discharge, and appetite. When it comes to… Continue reading Cat Throwing Up White Foam and Not Eating: 7 Possible Reasons

Why is my cat not eating? [We reveal 7 reasons!]

Nutrition is an important aspect of your cat’s wellbeing. Depending on her age (kittens and elderly cats should not be given the same food), size, weight, and activity levels, she must be served the right meals at the proper times so that her organs perform at their best. But what if your cat is not… Continue reading Why is my cat not eating? [We reveal 7 reasons!]

Why is My Cat Always Hungry? (We Share 7 Reasons!)

Whether they’re active kittens or full grown adult cats, cats must consume food regularly to survive and thrive. They need about 24 to 35 calories a day per pound to keep them within their normal weight range. These calories are spread out into smaller meals that sustain them throughout the day. (In fact, a few… Continue reading Why is My Cat Always Hungry? (We Share 7 Reasons!)

How Often Should I Shower My Cat? (5 Factors to Consider)

It’s a myth that cats hate water. If they grew up being exposed to water early and having positive experiences with it, they will most likely tolerate bathing sessions at home. What most cats dislike about showering is the uncomfortable feeling they get when their fur gets wet. It takes some time for their fur… Continue reading How Often Should I Shower My Cat? (5 Factors to Consider)

Should I Get a Self-Cleaning Litter Box for My Cat?

Cat parenting has its ups and downs. Though owners are rewarded with having cuddly companions for life, a drawback is constantly needing to provide for these four-legged creatures. Grooming them, playing with them (try making cat-approved DIY toys), and giving them nourishing food are just some of the things that need to be done regularly.… Continue reading Should I Get a Self-Cleaning Litter Box for My Cat?

The Difference Between Kitten Food and Cat Food

There are so many things a first-time cat parent needs to learn, such as preparing a starter kit before your cat comes home to finding ways to groom her at home. Depending on the age of the cat you decide to adopt or foster, you’ll also need to provide the right meals so that she… Continue reading The Difference Between Kitten Food and Cat Food

What Kind of Milk Can Cats Have?

Cats and milk go hand in hand… or at least that’s what popular media would like people to believe. Animal experts have revealed that most adult cats are actually lactose intolerant, meaning they are unable to fully digest the sugar (lactose) found in milk.  So does this mean cats can’t drink milk at all? This… Continue reading What Kind of Milk Can Cats Have?

7 Possible Reasons Why Your Cat is Always Thirsty

Have you noticed a change in your cat’s drinking habits lately? Has she been drinking more water than usual? If you answered YES to both questions, read on! One of the reasons below might lead you to find out why your cat is always thirsty.  As a reminder, this Waldo’s Friends blog post is only… Continue reading 7 Possible Reasons Why Your Cat is Always Thirsty

How to Feed Your Cat with a Sensitive Stomach

Feline pawrents, especially new ones, should be aware that cats experience tummy troubles at least once in their lives. Some cats will vomit white foam, while others may puke their food after a meal. There are many culprits to digestive issues, ranging from foreign objects in your cat’s body to skipping a meal. However, some… Continue reading How to Feed Your Cat with a Sensitive Stomach

How to Help Remove Fleas on Your Cat

Fleas are tiny bugs that move around by jumping from place to place. They can leap onto the coat of your cat, making her skin itchy and sore. Though cats are known to self-groom fastidiously, they won’t always be able to remove these pesky creatures by themselves. That’s where you come in as a helpful… Continue reading How to Help Remove Fleas on Your Cat

How to Deal with Cat Eye Problems

Cats have beautiful, haunting eyes that allow them to clearly see in the dark. But when your cat’s eyes appear red, swollen, or something gooey is keeping them shut, there is definitely something wrong. More importantly, something must be done to help your cat because the eye problem may lead to irreparable consequences.  As a… Continue reading How to Deal with Cat Eye Problems