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kitten season


How to Tell If Your Cat is Pregnant [7 Ways to Find Out]

Did you know that unspayed female cats can get pregnant as soon as they turn four to six months old? They are known to be “induced ovulators,” releasing eggs due to external stimuli such as the physical act of mating or mechanical stimulation. A female cat can go into heat every two to three weeks… Continue reading How to Tell If Your Cat is Pregnant [7 Ways to Find Out]

What is Kitten Season?

If someone says “It’s kitten season!”, it probably sounds like a super exciting time, when we can all enjoy adorable kittens. While it’s true that kittens are wonderful little fluff balls, kitten season isn’t so positive. In reality, kitten season contributes to the overpopulation problem, causes tons of kitten deaths, and is a huge burden… Continue reading What is Kitten Season?