No, China doll plants are non-toxic to dogs. Native to the subtropical mountain regions of South China and Taiwan, the China doll plant or Radermachera sinica belongs to the family Bignoniaceae. Some call it emerald tree or serpent tree as it can grow up to 30 meters in height and have dangling, snake-like branches. Many… Continue reading Are China Doll Plants Toxic to Dogs?
No, pilea plants are non-toxic to dogs. Pilea is a genus of flowering plants that belong to the nettle family, Urticaceae. It commonly grows in a wide range of regions, from tropics to warm temperate areas. Its species can be either succulents or shrubs mostly grown and sold as ornamental houseplants. Examples of pilea plants… Continue reading Are Pilea Plants Toxic to Dogs?
No, basil plants are non-toxic to dogs. Ocimum basilicum, or basil, is an annual or perennial plant that belongs to the family Lamiaceae. Spawning many varieties, the basil plant is cultivated worldwide and used as a culinary herb. Saint Joseph’s Wort, Great basil, Genovese basil, sweet basil, Mrs. Burns’ Lemon, and Thai basil are some… Continue reading Are Basil Plants Toxic to Dogs?
Nutrition is a vital aspect of dog parenting. When fed the right balance of food, your pooch will be able to perform daily activities, build and repair cells, fight diseases, and so much more. Aside from giving your pet specially formulated meals for his particular life stage or health condition, you can occasionally give him… Continue reading Which herbs and spices can your dog eat? [Over 20 options checked!]
No, rosemary plants are non-toxic to dogs. Rosemary is an evergreen shrub that’s native to the Mediterranean and Asian region. Scientifically named Salvia rosmarinus or Rosmarinus officinalis, the plant falls under the Lamiaceae family. The upright or trailing plant can bear pink, purple, blue, or white flowers. Cultivated for its needle-like leaves, the rosemary has… Continue reading Are Rosemary Plants Toxic to Dogs?
Did you know that anything made using rice or oats is part of the grains group? Grains are packed with dietary fiber, carbohydrates, iron, and B vitamins that support various body functions. But the question is, do dogs need grains in their diet? And as a paw parent, how much and which grains should you… Continue reading Which grains can your dog eat? 6 types to try
Yes, shamrock plants are toxic to dogs. Believed to bring good luck, shamrock plants grow in woodlands and shady spots in the Northern Hemisphere. They have trifoliate heart-shaped leaves, and can sometimes bear violet, white, or red-coloured blooms. Scientifically called Oxalis acetosella, the shamrock plant also goes by the names good luck plant, common wood… Continue reading Are Shamrock Plants Toxic to Dogs?
Yes, dieffenbachia plants are toxic to dogs. Dieffenbachia is a genus of tropical flowering plants belonging to the Araceae family. It is known by many names: dumb cane, giant dumb cane, leopard lily, mother-in-law’s tongue, charming dieffenbachia, tropic snow, exotica, and spotted exotica perfection. Native to countries such as Mexico and Argentina, the ornamental plant… Continue reading Are Dieffenbachia Plants Toxic to Dogs?
Yes, avocado plants are mildly toxic to dogs. Avocado plants are evergreen medium-sized trees. These trees bear delicious fruits of the same name. Aside from avocado, people call it alligator pear because of its rough skin and shape. The single-seeded fruit can have various forms (egg, pear, or sphere) and colours (green, purple, black, or… Continue reading Are Avocado Plants Toxic to Dogs?
Yes, potato plants are toxic to dogs. Packed with starch, the potato plant is cultivated around the world because of tubers that are sold as edible crops. In fact, dogs and cats can occasionally eat the root vegetable with some caveats. These should be prepared without seasonings, fully cooked, and chopped into bite-sized pieces or… Continue reading Are Potato Plants Toxic to Dogs?
Yes, mass cane plants are toxic to dogs. A cultivar of the corn plant, the mass cane plant is an air-purifying tropical plant with the scientific name Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana.’ Grown as a hedge or houseplant, it has distinct thick woody stems and bright yellow stripes that accentuate its glossy, drooping green leaves. Similar to… Continue reading Are Mass Cane Plants Toxic to Dogs?
No, pumpkin plants are non-toxic to dogs. Used interchangeably with squash and gourd, the term pumpkin refers to mature fruits from cultivars of the Cucurbita plant. Pumpkin plants are native to North America, and are grown not just for their culinary purposes. Its orange-coloured variants have become closely associated with Halloween. However, its slightly ribbed… Continue reading Are Pumpkin Plants Toxic to Dogs?
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