Are China Doll Plants Toxic to Dogs? | Waldo's Friends

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Are China Doll Plants Toxic to Dogs?

Are China Doll Plants Toxic to Dogs?

No, China doll plants are non-toxic to dogs.

Native to the subtropical mountain regions of South China and Taiwan, the China doll plant or Radermachera sinica belongs to the family Bignoniaceae. Some call it emerald tree or serpent tree as it can grow up to 30 meters in height and have dangling, snake-like branches. Many people grow the China doll plant at home due to its glossy, feathery leaves. Asian Bell Tree, a dwarf variety, has grown in popularity and become widely available in recent years. 

Multiple gardening sources indicate that the China doll plant is safe for dogs. However, it doesn’t show up on the lists created by Pet Poisons Helpline and ASPCA. So before buying or growing it, it’s best to talk to your vet about it.

What to do if your dog accidentally comes into contact with, chews, or eats China doll plants: Don’t worry if your dog comes across a China doll plant. Since there are no poisonous substances in it, he shouldn’t experience any adverse reactions.

On the other hand, you’ll need to observe him for the next 24 hours if your plant has toxic pesticides and fertilisers. Remove all plant or soil remnants from your dog. Moreover, check him for symptoms of poisoning. Signs include diarrhea, vomiting, drooling, pale gums, nausea, tremors, convulsions, agitation, unsteadiness on feet, abnormal heart rate, and difficulty in breathing. 

Report your pet’s condition to your veterinarian as soon as possible. If needed, take him to the emergency clinic.

In summary: The shiny foliage of China doll plants can help liven up your indoor or outdoor garden. Plant owners with pets can feel at ease knowing this plant can be grown around their four-legged friends.   

Aside from China doll plants, discover which plants and flowers are canine-safe by visiting ASPCA, PetMD, and Pet Poison Helpline


Radermachera sinica – Wikipedia

China Doll Plant: Facts, Benefits, Leaf issues and Care

How to Care for China Doll Plant

Dog poisoning: Signs of poisoning in dogs and what you need to do

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