Some mosquito plants are toxic to dogs. Mosquito plants are plants with the natural ability to repel mosquitoes and other pesky insects. Citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus) and citrosa geranium (Pelargonium citrosum) are two toxic mosquito plants. Their essential oils and tannic acid can cause a variety of ailments such as gastrointestinal upset. Aside from the… Continue reading Are Mosquito Plants Toxic to Dogs?
No, zebra plants are non-toxic to dogs. When you do a quick search online for the term “zebra plant,” the results show two plant varieties. The first is the aphelandra squarrosa, a plant native to Brazil. The other is the zebra haworthia, a succulent originating from South Africa. Both plants have noticeable white stripes that… Continue reading Are Zebra Plants Toxic to Dogs?
True fern plants are non-toxic to dogs. True ferns are vascular plants that belong to the Polypodiopsida class. They do not have flowers or seeds, and reproduce through spores. They are used worldwide not only for landscaping gardens or livening up interiors. Some true fern species even have culinary and medicinal purposes. Multiple reports state… Continue reading Are Fern Plants Toxic to Dogs?
Yes, jalapeño plants are toxic to dogs. A pod type of Capsicum annuum, jalapeño is a medium-sized chili pepper plant enjoyed by humans around the world. The plant bears green-coloured fruits that can turn to yellow, orange, or red when they ripen. Depending on its capsaicin content, the jalapeño’s spice level ranges from pleasantly mild… Continue reading Are Jalapeño Plants Toxic to Dogs?
Yes, citronella plants are toxic to dogs. Cymbopogon nardus or citronella grass is a plant that belongs to the Poaceae family. It is popular for being the source of citronella oil, which is used to repel mosquitoes. Another type of citronella plant is the Pelargonium citrosum or citrosa geranium. Though marketed as a mosquito plant,… Continue reading Are Citronella Plants Toxic to Dogs?
True bamboo plants are non-toxic to dogs. However, some bamboo-named plants are poisonous for canines. There are many plants with bamboo in their name, but not all of them are true bamboo species. Belonging to the Poaceae family, true bamboo varieties have tall but hollow stems. For example, the Phyllostachys aurea is non-toxic for dogs… Continue reading Are Bamboo Plants Toxic to Dogs?
No, green bean plants are not toxic to dogs. Green beans come from cultivars of the common bean or Phaseolus vulgaris. A member of the legume family Fabaceae, it is a plant that is cultivated worldwide because of its edible seeds or unripe pods. Green beans can be fed to dogs as long as they… Continue reading Are Green Bean Plants Toxic to Dogs?
Yes, philodendron plants are toxic to dogs. A member of the Araceae family, the Philodendron genus has over 489 plant species. Its name comes from two Greek words “philo” and “dendron,” which mean love and tree. The plants from this genus are known for having huge leaves that alternatively grow on the stems. Philodendron plants… Continue reading Are Philodendron Plants Toxic to Dogs?
No, zucchini plants are not toxic to dogs. Zucchini is an edible produce that comes from the plant of the same name. Belonging to the Cucurbita genus, zucchini is also called courgette or baby marrow. Its fruit may vary in colours such as green, orange, and yellow, and can grow as long as three feet. … Continue reading Are Zucchini Plants Toxic to Dogs?
Some ivy plants are toxic to dogs. There are about 20 different ivy plants belonging to various families and genera. A popular one is hedera, which has approximately 15 species of evergreen climbing or creeping plants. Another is pothos, otherwise known as ivy arum, Solomon Islands ivy, and devil’s ivy. According to the American Society… Continue reading Are Ivy Plants Toxic to Dogs?
Yes, schefflera plants are toxic to dogs. The Schefflera genus belongs to the Araliaceae family. A couple of its species are grown as ornamental houseplants. The most well-known ones are Schefflera actinophylla (umbrella tree) and Schefflera arboricola (dwarf umbrella tree). Some variants have even gained popularity over the years due to their purple or variegated… Continue reading Are Schefflera Plants Toxic to Dogs?
No, blueberry plants are non-toxic to dogs. Blueberry is a perennial flowering plant that belongs to the Ericaceae family, under the Vaccinium genus. It bears blue or purple-coloured berries that are consumed by humans as fruits. Dogs can also enjoy eating fresh blueberries. However, avoid giving mushy, discolored, or moldy ones. Native to North America,… Continue reading Are Blueberry Plants Toxic to Dogs?
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