Are Avocado Plants Toxic to Dogs? | Waldo's Friends

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Are Avocado Plants Toxic to Dogs?

Are Avocado Plants Toxic to Dogs?

Yes, avocado plants are mildly toxic to dogs. 

Avocado plants are evergreen medium-sized trees. These trees bear delicious fruits of the same name. Aside from avocado, people call it alligator pear because of its rough skin and shape. The single-seeded fruit can have various forms (egg, pear, or sphere) and colours (green, purple, black, or brown).

An avocado plant contains persin throughout its fruits, leaves, seeds, and bark. Thankfully, it does not cause fatality. But it can still pose some serious health risks for dogs, cats, and other animals. 

What to do if your dog accidentally comes into contact with, chews, or eats avocado plants: After your dog eats a part of the avocado plant or fruit, expect him to vomit and have diarrhea. In extreme cases, pancreatitis may happen due to the fruit’s fat content. 

Aside from the naturally toxic component found in the avocado plant, the hard pit of the fruit can also harm your pet. Whether whole or shattered into pieces, the pit can cause dental or jaw injury, choking, and/or intestinal blockage.  

Be sure to remove all avocado fruit and plant matter away from your dog. Aside from the previously mentioned signs, keep an eye on him for symptoms of poisoning. These include drooling, pale gums, nausea, convulsions, agitation, tremors, abnormal heart rate, unsteadiness on feet, and difficulty in breathing. 

Keep tabs on your pet’s condition and talk to your veterinarian regularly. Take him to the emergency clinic as needed.

In summary: Avocado plants are fruit-bearing plants that are not recommended for canine owners. If you’re really keen on growing one, speak with your vet about the risks of having it on your property. Or better yet, scan through these lists by ASPCA, PetMD, and Pet Poison Helpline to find canine-safe options.


Avocado – Wikipedia

Avocado | ASPCA

The Scoop on Avocado and Your Pets

Dog poisoning: Signs of poisoning in dogs and what you need to do

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