No, dogs cannot eat refried beans because of its ingredients.
Refried beans is a popular Mexican dish consisting of cooked mashed beans. It commonly uses pinto, black, or kidney beans as its base. The legumes are cooked or stewed, then converted into paste with a masher or fine mesh sieve. Then, the paste is intensely fried (or sometimes baked) with ingredients such as onion, garlic, lard, vegetable oil, bacon drippings, butter, salt, and spices.
In general, fried food is not recommended for dogs. But more than just the way it is cooked, the ingredients found in this dish can cause damage to your dog’s systems. Therefore, it is not recommended for him to eat refried beans.
What to do if your dog accidentally eats refried beans: Find out all the ingredients used to prepare the dish. If it contains onion or garlic, contact your veterinarian and take him to the clinic immediately. These two seasonings are dangerous for dogs (and even cats!) since they contain sulfoxides and disulfides. Even a small amount can cause gastrointestinal irritation, red blood cell damage, hemolytic anemia, and methemoglobinemia.
Keep a close eye on your dog and watch him for general signs of food poisoning. Symptoms can manifest as vomiting, diarrhea, panting, salivation, extreme thirst, uncontrolled peeing, hyperactivity, nausea, dizziness, and/or cramping.
In summary: Refried beans are packed with high amounts of sodium, fat, and calories that your dog doesn’t need. Make sure to keep it away from him each time you serve it at home to avoid accidents.
Instead of giving him refried beans, go for other dog-safe beans or legumes that have been prepared the right way. You can also find out which vegetables and fruits you can feed your pooch under our “can dogs eat” category.
Can Dogs Eat Refried Beans? 4 Risks of Refried Beans for Dogs
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