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Can Dogs Eat Brown Rice?

The short answer: Yes. The long answer: A better alternative to white rice, brown rice is a safe and healthy grain that you can feed to your dog. It is known to contain high amounts of carbohydrates and vitamins that will benefit your pooch’s body. The antioxidants and minerals found in brown rice also helps… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Brown Rice?

Can Dogs Eat Rib Bones?

The short answer: No.  The long answer: Rib bones are the inedible parts of pork or beef ribs, which are commonly enjoyed by people as smoked, grilled, or barbecued dishes. Though it is tempting to give your dog leftover rib bones when he begs for some, it will actually do your pooch more harm than… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Rib Bones?

Can Dogs Eat Ginger?

The short answer: Yes, but in limited quantities. The long answer: Ginger is a tropical root that can be fed to your dog in limited portions. Before it became a popular spice for cooking, it was used for medicinal purposes by Eastern and Western herbalists for thousands of years.  Fresh ginger is packed with vitamins… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Ginger?

Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones?

The short answer: No. The long answer: PetMD shares that most dogs pass chicken bones uneventfully, and that they dissolve once they hit the stomach. However, it is best to keep chicken bones away from your pooch because of the potential hazards they may create. When consumed incorrectly, chicken bones may break your dog’s teeth,… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Chicken Bones?

Can Dogs Eat Vegetables?

The short answer: It depends. The long answer: Dogs are omnivores, so they can enjoy food that comes from animals and plants. Vegetables are packed with nutrients that can help keep your pooch’s body healthy and strong, but not all vegetables are safe for him. Vegetables that your dog can safely eat include bell peppers,… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Vegetables?

Can Dogs Eat Corn Cobs?

The short answer: No. The long answer: A cob is the central core of an ear of corn. Cylindrical in shape, it is where corn kernels are attached. It is not advisable for your dog to eat a corn cob because of its tough, woody nature. Just a small portion of it could block his… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Corn Cobs?

Can Dogs Eat Bell Peppers?

The short answer: Yes. The long answer: Red, green, and yellow bell peppers can be safely added to your dog’s diet. These vegetables are packed with carotenoids, antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins, A, C, and E, which helps with your dog’s digestive, circulatory, and immune systems. Bell peppers are said to relieve gas and reduce inflammation… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Bell Peppers?

Can Dogs Eat Pecans?

The short answer: No. The long answer: Pecans should never be fed to your dog because they contain the toxin juglone. When consumed by your pet, these nuts can cause gastrointestinal upset or create an obstruction in his windpipe, esophagus, stomach, or intestines. Another concern is if your dog accidentally consumes moldy pecans. Because of… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Pecans?

Can Dogs Eat Brussels Sprouts?

The short answer: Yes, but in moderation. The long answer: A member of the Gemmifera Group of cabbages, brussels sprouts are fiber-packed buds that can be served to your four-legged pet. They are loaded with vitamins K and C, which aids your dog’s immune system, circulatory system, and the skeletal system. Meanwhile, the antioxidants found… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Brussels Sprouts?

Can Dogs Eat Lemons?

The short answer: No. The long answer: Belonging to the citrus family, lemons are highly acidic fruits that should not be consumed by dogs because of the psoralen compounds and essential oils found in them. Even just a small amount may harm small-sized dogs, which can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, gastrointestinal distress, and sensitivity… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Lemons?

Can Dogs Eat Plums?

The short answer: No. The long answer: Though not as lethal as grapes or raisins, plums may cause problems when consumed by your dog. The sharp pit may cause damage to your pet’s esophagus, stomach, or intestines, and may get stuck in his intestinal tract. Worse, a crushed pit may release cyanide that is toxic… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Plums?

Can Dogs Eat Marshmallows?

Important note: This article is based on marshmallows that do not contain xylitol or chocolate. If you are unsure about what your marshmallows contain, please do not feed them to your pets. The short answer: It is not recommended. The long answer: Marshmallows are pillowy treats that are made of water, gelatin, and sugar (usually… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Marshmallows?