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Can Dogs Eat Soybeans?

Can Dogs Eat Soybeans?

It depends.

Originally from East Asia, soybeans contain the highest amount of plant-based protein compared to other bean varieties. Soy is good for dogs as long as he is not allergic or intolerant to it. This legume is packed with potassium, vitamins, iron, and dietary fiber, which are all good for dogs. It is also low in sodium. 

There are a variety of edible soy products in the market. Edamame is a type of immature soybean that’s served as a whole, but only its seeds are eaten. The pulses can be fed to dogs as long as they are prepared correctly. Meanwhile, soy protein comes from processed soybeans. The powder can be mixed with your dog’s food or given as a treat. Lastly, tofu is a byproduct of dried soybeans. However, it is not recommended for dogs to eat it because the dish may cause him to bloat

To be on the safe side, consult with your veterinarian before letting your dog try any type of soy. Once he gives his go signal, let your dog try one fully cooked and unflavoured soybean. Observe for any signs of a soy allergy. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, ear infection, obsessive licking, and/or hair loss.

How to feed soybeans to your dog: Always prepare soybeans without unnecessary flavourings such as salt, garlic, onion, and other spices. These human-safe condiments are toxic for pets, and may irreparably damage his organs. Wash and soak them overnight. Cook in plain water until the soybeans are soft enough to be chewed.

Raw soybeans are not edible and cannot be digested by dogs. As such, these should not be given to them. Too much soybeans may also lead to digestive complications such as gas, vomiting, or diarrhea, so limit his portions. 

In summary: Soybeans are rich in fiber, protein, phytic acid, and isoflavone that can benefit your pooch. With your vet’s approval, you can occasionally include limited amounts of soybeans in your dog’s meals or treats. 

Browse through our “can dogs eat” category to learn which other human foods you can safely give your canine pet.


Soybean – Wikipedia

Food dogs should not eat and some they should

Can My Dog Eat Soy?

Can Dogs Eat Soy? What to Know About Dogs and Soy Foods

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