Pet Adoption Guides | Waldo's Friends
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Helpful tips and tricks on adopting, fostering, and caring for rescue pets.

9 Fundraising Ideas for Animal Shelters

Animal shelters play a critical role in keeping animals safe. They are a haven for abandoned and abused animals. Running an animal shelter is no easy feat. It costs money to cater to the animals’ health, food, and general welfare. So how do you run an animal shelter without breaking the bank? You fundraise. Traditional… Continue reading 9 Fundraising Ideas for Animal Shelters

Things You Should Know about Adopting A Senior Dog

Making the decision to adopt a pet can be both exciting and difficult. Choosing which dog to bring home can be overwhelming. There are so many different choices between animal shelters, breeds, levels of obedience, size, gender, special needs, and of course, age. Unfortunately, many people overlook adopting a senior dog for various reasons such… Continue reading Things You Should Know about Adopting A Senior Dog

How to make your animal fundraiser material stand out

How to Make Your Animal Fundraiser Material Stand Out

Animal rescue fundraisers lie at the heart of communities coming together to look out for our furry friends. However, as much as we’d like to have our hopes and wishes save those we love, running consistently successful fundraisers involves a great deal of effort toward fundraising material. Organising a successful event—online or offline—can be expensive… Continue reading How to Make Your Animal Fundraiser Material Stand Out

how to kickstart fundraisers for animal shelters

How to Kickstart Fundraisers for Animal Shelters

Raising funds for a worthy cause is a noble gesture, but it can also be a pretty scary and daunting task to take on, especially when you are doing it independently. Getting started on your first independent fundraiser can be overwhelming because of all the activities involved in making it a success. The good news,… Continue reading How to Kickstart Fundraisers for Animal Shelters

Understanding the Basics of Animal Shelter Fundraising

Organising an animal shelter fundraiser is no walk in the park. It is even more challenging when it is your first one. But before delving into the details, what is fundraising? Fundraising is the process of seeking financial assistance for a noble cause. The funds can be sourced from individual donors or charitable organisations. The… Continue reading Understanding the Basics of Animal Shelter Fundraising

Your complete adult rescue dog starter kit

How to Raise Funds Online for Your Animal Shelter

Welcome to the 21st century, a time when you can do almost anything online. Thanks to the Internet, you can now shop, study, and yes, you guessed it, fundraise online. Online fundraising always seems as the preserve of large charity organisations, but individuals and small organisations can also leverage the power of the Internet to… Continue reading How to Raise Funds Online for Your Animal Shelter

How to Create an Effective Fundraising Plan

One of the most overlooked aspects of a fundraiser is a fundraising plan. Some small-scale fundraising organisers operate without a system, and although they manage to pull it off, it is not the best course of action. As an organiser, a clearly articulated fundraising plan comes in handy when allocating resources and time to the… Continue reading How to Create an Effective Fundraising Plan

Buyer's Guide: How to Choose a Pet Loo For Your Dog

Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose a Pet Loo for Your Dog

Potty training is an essential part of every dog’s life. Bringing a pup home comes with a flurry of excitement, especially for first-time dog owners. The sound of tiny paws scurrying across the floor will melt your heart, and the regular routine in your house will go straight out the window. It’s not until everything… Continue reading Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose a Pet Loo for Your Dog

Dog grooming at home

Dog Grooming at Home

Whether you’re a new doggie parent or have had dogs all your life, it’s imperative to understand the importance of grooming your pup at home. Dog grooming plays a key role in keeping your pet happy and healthy, and can even help you bond with your dog! In this guide to dog grooming, you’ll learn:… Continue reading Dog Grooming at Home

Cat Grooming at Home

Cat Grooming at Home

Wondering what’s the best way to groom your cat at home? Cat grooming is an essential part to keeping your kitty happy and healthy. Luckily, cats do a lot of the hard work themselves; cats are naturally clean animals, and you’ll frequently see these creatures licking themselves or their playmates. However, there are still some… Continue reading Cat Grooming at Home

Your complete adult rescue dog starter kit

Your Complete Adult Rescue Dog Starter Kit

Adopting an adult dog from a rescue shelter is probably one of the very best ways to expand your family. Before bringing home your pooch, make sure you have everything ready! Read on for your complete adult rescue dog starter kit. In this article, we will: Give you a list of dog supplies to prepare… Continue reading Your Complete Adult Rescue Dog Starter Kit

7 Reasons to Microchip Your Pet

There really is only one reason to microchip your pet, and that is to be able to find him if he runs off and gets lost or is stolen. Microchipping isn’t the only way to prevent your pet from getting lost forever, other methods include collars and tags, fencing in your property, and neutering your… Continue reading 7 Reasons to Microchip Your Pet