Book • Poems from a cat’s point of view.
If cats were articulate poets, this would be a book of poems they’d write and publish.
What is it?
I Could Pee on This: And Other Poems by Cats is a book packed with insightful, curious poems “by cats.” Expect tongue-in-cheek poetry on topics such as loving dead mice, having dog friends, and pulling over Christmas trees. There are four interesting cat-egories to choose from: family, work, play, and existence.
Who’s behind it?
Francesco Marciuliano, the writer of syndicated comic strips Sally Forth and Judge Parker.
How much is it?
The paperback version costs 9.90 USD via Amazon US, while the Kindle version costs 12.50 AUD via Amazon Australia.
*Please note these rates are based on currency conversions at the time of writing this post and may fluctuate.
Why is it awesome for stay-at-home parents?
The poems explain cats’ odd behaviour in short, digestible formats. These can be read in between accomplishing work-from-home tasks and house chores, or used to unwind after a long day of being cooped up at home.
Where can I get it?
Get the book via Amazon US or Amazon Australia.