Can Dogs Eat White Potatoes? | Waldo's Friends

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Can Dogs Eat White Potatoes?

Can Dogs Eat White Potatoes?

Yes, dogs can occasionally eat white potatoes as long as they’re cooked and unseasoned.

White potato is a variety of the plant Solanum tuberosum. Native to the Americas, the root vegetable belongs to the nightshade family. White potatoes are different from russet or Idaho potatoes. The former has a light-coloured peel and interior flesh. The latter tends to be larger and more oblong in size. Plus, it has a tougher, darker brown peel.  

Dogs can eat white potatoes with some conditions. They must be washed, peeled, and cooked without seasonings. Your pooch cannot eat raw potatoes because of the solanine that’s present in the root vegetable. The glycoalkaloid is not just in the raw flesh, but also on its skin, stems, and leaves. Solanine can create complications in dogs ranging from gastrointestinal to circulatory problems. Contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog accidentally consumed raw white potatoes or parts of the plant. 

How to feed white potatoes to your dog: Take out all the green parts. Wash the white potato thoroughly, making sure to rinse away soil and chemicals. Peel off the skin. Boil or bake it without any salt and other ingredients. Let it cool, then mash or chop it into bite-sized pieces. 

Remember to consult with your vet before adding white potatoes to your dog’s diet. He may not need the additional carbohydrates provided by this root vegetable.

Here are three ideas for white potato treats your dog will love:

  1. Use white potatoes for this cottage pie dog food recipe.
  2. Mix Greek yogurt with mashed potatoes for a creamier treat.
  3. Mashed potatoes can be a key ingredient in your pooch’s birthday pupcakes!

In summary: Though cooked white potatoes are high in carbohydrates, they’re also packed with B vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber that may benefit your pooch. Just make sure to limit his portions to prevent constipation.

Browse through our “can dogs eat” category and discover more vegetables and fruits you can feed your canine.


Potato – Wikipedia

Food dogs should not eat and some they should

Are White Potatoes Bad for Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Potatoes?

Potato (Green) Poisoning in Dogs

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