Community • A private Facebook community for people with reactive or aggressive dogs.

Join this community to get ethical, science-based training and behaviour information that can improve your reactive and/or aggressive dog’s behaviour.
What is the criteria for joining?
People interested in joining the community must answer a set of questions posted by the group admins.
Who’s behind it?
This group was created by All Big Canines, a US-based service that provides big dogs with acres of safe space to play, train, and socialise.
What makes this group unique?
This free, private group aims to educate and support reactive and aggressive dog owners. Certified dog trainers and dog behaviour consultants volunteer their time to help identify, address, and manage problematic dog behaviours. Additionally, new members are required to complete the learning guides, pinned posts, and files before being allowed to post on the group’s page.
How can I join the community?
Find the group here. Simply click the “Join Group” button, follow the prompts to answer admin criteria, and wait for approval.