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Can Cats Eat Cooked Chicken?

The short answer: Yes and no. The long answer: Cats are obligate carnivores. They need a lot of protein in their diet to thrive. Chicken falls under animal-based meat that cats can safely consume, provided they are not served raw. When cooked correctly, chicken is a great source of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Cooked Chicken?

Can Cats Eat Tuna?

The short answer: It is not recommended. The long answer: Similar to dogs, cats should not consume tuna on a daily basis. Tuna is a type of fish that contains high levels of mercury and metals in its body. This is because it lives longer compared with other fish. Feeding tuna to your cat regularly… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Tuna?

Can Cats Eat Ham?

The short answer: Yes, but only in moderation. The long answer: A type of processed meat that comes from a pork leg cut, ham can be eaten by cats who are known to be obligate carnivores. Ham is high in protein and iron, which are good for your cat. However, they are also often cured… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Ham?

Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken?

The short answer: It is not recommended. The long answer: Though cats need high amounts of protein in their diet, allowing your furball to eat raw chicken may create potential health problems. This is because raw chicken contains bacteria such as campylobacter, E. coli, listeria, and salmonella.  When contaminated raw chicken is consumed by your… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken?

Can Dogs Eat Sausage?

The short answer: It is not recommended.  The long answer: Sausages are meat products made from ground meat such as pork, beef, or poultry. To intensify the meat’s flavour, the sausages usually contain salt, garlic, onion, spices, flavourings, grains, and/or breadcrumbs. Most of these ingredients are known to be toxic for dogs, hence it is… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Sausage?

Can Cats Eat Bacon?

The short answer: Yes, but it is not recommended. The long answer: A type of salt-cured pork taken from various meat cuts, bacon is a fatty dish that can be eaten as is or mixed in to add flavour to other dishes. Though cats should have a diet that is high in protein, it’s not… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Bacon?

Can Dogs Eat Hot Dogs?

The short answer: It is not recommended. The long answer: Hot dogs are grilled or steamed sausages that are made from pork, beef, chicken, turkey, or a combination of meats. They usually contain meat trimmings, fat, flavourings, and preservatives, which are not recommended for your dog. Some flavourings (salt, garlic, and paprika), preservatives (sodium erythorbate… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Hot Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Bacon?

The short answer: It is not recommended. The long answer: Bacon is a type of salt-cured meat that typically comes from a pig’s belly or back. While dogs need to have a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, and fat, they are not equipped to handle bacon because of its high salt and fat content.  Consuming… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Bacon?

Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken?

The short answer: It is not recommended. The long answer: Chicken provides energy, builds lean muscle mass, and promotes bone health, which can all benefit your dog. However, serving your pooch uncooked chicken increases the chances of him ingesting all kinds of bacteria, such as campylobacter, salmonella, clostridium perfringens, E. coli, and yersinia. These bacteria… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken?

Can Dogs Eat Ham?

The short answer: It is not recommended. The long answer: Ham is processed meat that comes from a pork leg cut. It is preserved through wet or dry curing, and sometimes smoked. Because the preservation and flavouring process of ham is done with salt, it is highly unsuitable for dogs. Salt can make your dog… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Ham?

Can Dogs Eat Turkey?

The short answer: Yes. The long answer: A key ingredient in many commercially sold dog foods, turkey is a healthy poultry dish that is high in protein, B vitamins, zinc, phosphorus, tryptophan, and selenium. Its lean white meat is known to be low in saturated fat and cholesterol.  Dogs can gain a lot from eating… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Turkey?

Can Dogs Eat Pork?

The short answer: It is not recommended. The long answer: Though cooked pork is safe for dogs to eat, it should be done with caution. The cooked pork you serve him should be properly grilled, steamed, or boiled. Undercooked or raw pork may contain roundworm parasites that may attach to your dog’s muscles for years.… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Pork?