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Which fruits and vegetables can your dog eat? [We reviewed over 60 options!]

Are you a paw parent who’s looking for creative ways to nourish your adopted dog? These days, it’s easy to integrate human-grade food as meal add-ons or homemade treats to serve your canine baby. However, giving food fit for humans is not always a good idea as some ingredients are surprisingly harmful for pooches. In… Continue reading Which fruits and vegetables can your dog eat? [We reviewed over 60 options!]

Can Cats Eat Cherries?

No, cats cannot eat cherries because of their chemical compounds. Cherries are red-coloured fruits that belong to the Rosaceae family. The trees are commonly grown in the Northern hemisphere and east Asia. Despite being safe for human consumption, cherries contain cyanogenic glycosides that are considered toxic for cats and dogs. The harmful substance can be… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Cherries?

Can Cats Eat Oranges?

No, cats cannot eat oranges as they contain toxic phenolic compounds and essential oils. Oranges are edible citrus fruits that belong to the Rutaceae family. There are more than 400 varieties grown in the world such as clementine, mandarin, tangerine, and valencia. Because of their naturally sweet and tart taste, oranges are enjoyed by humans… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Oranges?

Can Cats Eat Lemon?

No, cats cannot eat lemon due to harmful oils and compounds found in the fruit. Lemon is a citrus fruit that belongs to the flowering plant family, Rutaceae. It contains vitamins C and B—most notably thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. The juice of the fruit is commonly used to enhance the flavour of many dishes, pastries,… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Lemon?

Can Cats Eat Chili?

No, cats cannot eat chili because of the capsaicin and capsaicinoids found in them. The long answer: Chili is the general term for hot chili peppers that come from the Capsicum plant. Chili peppers are known for packing in heat because of the chemical capsaicin and compound capsaicinoids found in them. Examples of chili peppers… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Chili?

Can Cats Eat Capsicum?

Cats can only eat certain types of capsicum. Capsicum is described by Wikipedia as “a genus of flowering plants in the nightshade family Solanaceae.” The plant bears fruits such as hot chili peppers (jalapeño, peperoncini, and peperoncino, to name a few) and mild bell peppers (which are simply called capsicum in Australia). These are sold… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Capsicum?

Can Cats Eat Sultanas?

It is not recommended for cats to eat sultanas due to its harmful compounds. Sultanas are dried fruits. They usually come from green seedless grapes, which turn gold or yellow after being coated then dried in an oil-based solution. However, sultanas can also be dark brown in colour when made without the drying solution. Just… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Sultanas?

Can Cats Eat Raspberries?

Yes, cats can eat raspberries but only in moderation. An aggregate fruit similar to strawberries and blackberries, raspberries can be eaten by your cat in limited quantities. This fruit is an excellent source of water, fiber, and nutrients that are good for your cat. Vitamins A and C, calcium, manganese, and potassium are some of… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Raspberries?

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Rinds?

No, dogs should not eat watermelon rinds. Watermelon is a refreshing fruit that contains large amounts of lycopene. It is a powerful antioxidant with multiple health benefits. It can protect a person from the sun, improve his heart health, and even lower the risk of certain types of cancer. Though the fruit itself is safe… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Rinds?

Can Dogs Eat Limes?

No, dogs should not eat limes. Similar to lemons and grapefruit, limes should not be fed to your dog at any time. This is because limes have fragrant essential oils (limonene and linalool) and a phototoxic compound (psoralens) that are considered toxic for dogs.  Eating a small piece of the citrus fruit itself may not… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Limes?

Can Cats Eat Coconut?

Cats can occasionally eat coconut meat, but they cannot drink its juice or milk. A member of the palm tree family, coconut is the term used for the coconut palm, the seed, and the fruit. It can be safely consumed by most cats, but there are some caveats. The edible white meat is high in… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Coconut?

Can Cats Eat Cucumber?

Yes, cats can eat cucumber, but only occasionally. Cucumber is a type of fresh produce that’s safe for cats to eat. Though it is known as a vegetable, it is technically a fruit that belongs to the same family as watermelons and pumpkins (both safe for cats to eat in moderation!).  Low in calories, cucumbers… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Cucumber?