Can Dogs Drink Almond Milk? | Waldo's Friends

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Can Dogs Drink Almond Milk?

Can Dogs Drink Almond Milk?

Dogs can occasionally drink almond milk, but with some caveats.

Almond milk is derived from almonds, edible seeds from the Prunus genus. Though the nut itself is not recommended for dog consumption (due to risk of blockage and pancreatitis), its milk can be occasionally served to them. Almond milk serves as a plant-based replacement for vegans and people who are lactose intolerant. Compared to regular cow’s milk, it is lower in calories, sugar, and saturated fat. Plus, it does not contain cholesterol. 

How to feed almond milk to your dog: Get your veterinarian’s approval before letting your dog try almond milk. Be sure to serve him only unsweetened and unflavoured varieties. Play it safe by making your own almond milk. You can create some for your dog by soaking the almonds and then blending them with water.

If you plan to give store-bought almond milk to your pet, review all the ingredients. Make sure it doesn’t include flavourings such as chocolate, coffee, and xylitol. The sweetener is toxic for dogs and can cause low blood sugar, liver failure, or worse, death. If your pet accidentally drinks almond milk with xylitol, watch for lethargy, vomiting, weakness, and seizures. Take him to the emergency clinic immediately. 

Some dogs may also experience indigestion after drinking almond milk. This may manifest as watery and oily diarrhea. The fat found in almond milk may also potentially lead to pancreatitis, so it’s best not to go overboard. 

In summary: With your vet’s consent, unsweetened and unflavoured almond milk may be given to your dog in limited amounts. Follow the recommended portions, and never replace it as your dog’s main source of nutrients. 

Explore our “can dogs eat” posts to discover which human foods your pet dog can safely consume. Choose from legumes and beans to meat and seafood.


Almond milk – Wikipedia

Is it ok to give my dog plant-based milk?

Can My Dog Eat Almond Milk?

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