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Can Cats Eat Tapioca?

Can Cats Eat Tapioca?

Yes, cats can eat tapioca.

Tapioca is a carbohydrate-rich starch that comes from the roots of the cassava plant. It is extracted through a long process that involves grounding the root to a pulp, squeezing the liquid out, and collecting and drying the fluid into fine starch powder. The powder is turned into various forms such as coarse flakes, sticks, or spheres (commonly used in bubble tea drinks). 

Tapioca can be eaten by your pet cat as long as it is prepared properly and without additional ingredients such as milk and sugar. In fact, it is already present in some commercially sold cat food! Due to its thickening properties, it can act as a binder that helps hold the shape and texture of cat food. Plus, it is a good source of carbohydrates for pets allergic or intolerant to gluten.

How to feed tapioca to your cat: Before anything else, consult with your veterinarian. Find out if your cat needs tapioca starch in her diet and how much she can eat. It may be best to limit servings to one tablespoon. Overfeeding tapioca may cause stomach upset or eventually lead to weight gain. 

Check the nutritional facts label of your cat’s food to determine if she already has tapioca in her meals. With your vet’s approval, mix a tablespoon of tapioca powder with plainly cooked chicken or beef.

In summary: Containing iron, potassium, and magnesium, tapioca can provide your cat with an extra boost of energy. Though plain tapioca starch is safe for cats to consume, keep the tapioca pudding and bubble tea drink away from her at all times. These sweet treats do not contain any of the nutrients your cat needs.  

Browse through our “can cats eat” category to discover which other human foods you can safely feed your pet cat.


Wikipedia: Tapioca

Tapioca Starch in Cat Foods (Should You Worry?)

Can Cats Eat Tapioca? Is It Healthy for Them?

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