No, cats cannot eat garlic powder because of its toxic compounds.
Garlic powder is a seasoning used to add flavour to food. It comes from fresh garlic cloves that are peeled, sliced, dried, and processed into powder. Garlic in itself should never be given to cats (and even dogs) because of two poisonous compounds: disulfides and thiosulphates. Just one small garlic clove (approximately ½ teaspoon) can greatly affect your feline pet’s red blood cells and cause them to burst in her body. Garlic and onion both belong to the Allium family, but garlic is five times more concentrated than onion.
What to do if your cat accidentally eats garlic powder: Contact your veterinarian immediately and try to determine how much garlic powder your cat ingested. Garlic toxicity may result in vomiting and diarrhea within the first 24 hours, but other symptoms may manifest later on.
Take note of any changes in your cat’s mood, behaviour, eating, drinking, and excretion habits. Watch for symptoms such as difficulty in or rapid breathing, lethargy, elevated heart rate, abdominal pain, discolored urine, and pale, yellow, or muddy-coloured gums.
In summary: Garlic powder is a potent flavour enhancer that should never be added to your cat’s homemade meals or treats. Similarly, you should refrain from offering leftover food that may have been seasoned with garlic powder. Remember that just a lick of this can cause anemia, and in extreme cases, may lead to death. As such, it is advisable to keep this seasoning stored and out of your cat’s reach at all times.
Browse through our “can cats eat” category to find out which human foods you can safely feed your pet cat.
Can My Cat Eat That? 30 Foods Cats Can and Can’t Eat
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