Are Pothos Plants Toxic to Cats? | Waldo's Friends

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Are Pothos Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Pothos Plants Toxic to Cats?

Yes, pothos plants are toxic to cats. 

Epipremnum aureum, commonly known as pothos plant, comes in many different monikers. It is also known as golden pothos, Ceylon creeper, house plant, hunter’s robe, ivy arum, marble queen, money plant, satin pothos, silver vine, silk pothos, Solomon Islands ivy, taro vine, and devil’s ivy or vine. It used to fall under the Pothos genus, but was later classified under the genus Epipremnum. 

A member of the Araceae family, pothos plants are toxic to cats just like monstera and ZZ plants. The insoluble calcium oxalates found on its stems, leaves, and roots can cause irritation to your kitty. 

What to do if your cat accidentally comes into contact with, chews, or eats pothos plants: The calcium oxalates can cause a variety of health conditions. These include gastrointestinal irritation, difficulty in swallowing, intense burning, hypersalivation, and vomiting. When this happens, contact your veterinarian immediately. 

Take the pothos plant away from her, and keep an eye on her in a confined space. Remove any remaining plant matter found on your cat’s hair, skin, or mouth. Bring a sample to the vet if needed.

Moreover, observe your cat for symptoms of poisoning. Aside from the signs mentioned earlier, she may experience twitching and fitting, diarrhea, difficulty in breathing, and shock or collapse. Plus, she may also have depression or coma, skin inflammation or swelling, and display changes in her eating, drinking, and excreting habits.

In summary: Pothos plants are not the best houseplants to grow if you care for pets. The risks outweigh the benefits of cultivating them in your home. Instead of having potentially dangerous ornamental plants, why don’t you go for edible plants or herbs that your cat can eat? Check out our cat food category for more ideas. 


Pothos – Wikipedia

Epipremnum aureum – Wikipedia

Golden Pothos | ASPCA

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