Are Potato Plants Toxic to Cats? | Waldo's Friends

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Are Potato Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Potato Plants Toxic to Cats?

Yes, potato plants are toxic to cats. 

Potato, or Solanum tuberosum, is a perennial plant that belongs to the Solanaceae family. It originated from Peru and Bolivia. As an edible root vegetable, cats and even dogs can eat this starchy food. But it should always be in moderation and in plainly cooked form. Remember, too much potatoes may lead to pancreatitis, obesity, and arthritis in cats.

On the other hand, both humans and animals should not eat raw potato plants. This is because of the glycoalkaloid poison solanine, which acts as a natural pesticide. The poison is present everywhere, from its leaves to its tubers. Gastrointestinal and neurological complications may occur if a raw potato is ingested.

What to do if your cat accidentally comes into contact with, chews, or eats potato plants: Lort Smith Animal Hospital states that potato consumption can be fatal for felines. Call your vet immediately if you suspect your cat ate a raw potato plant.  

Monitor your cat in a confined space. Observe her for signs of poisoning. This includes coughing, gagging, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy. Stomach pain, sneezing, gum irritation, and hypersalivation can also appear. In some cases, cats may experience anisocoria (uneven sized pupils), central nervous system depression, incoordination, convulsions, and seizures. Take note of abnormal eye movement, posture, and heart rhythm in your cat. Also, monitor any changes in her drinking, urinating, and eating habits.

In summary: Potato poisoning happens when a cat eats raw or green potatoes. However, it may also occur depending on the ingredients used to cook your potato. Never give her potatoes with salt, onion, garlic, and other harmful herbs and spices. Be a responsible cat owner by refraining from growing potatoes. Or keep these plants safely fenced off from your pet. 

Before you consider planting something new in your garden, check out the lists by PetMD, ASPCA, and Pet Poison Helpline. They’ll help you determine which ones are toxic or safe for cats.


Potato – Wikipedia

Solanine – Wikipedia

Potatoes – Cats – Lort Smith Animal Hospital

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