A Taiwanese working in a design agency in Shanghai, China, Shelly Lin is a first-time pawrent to a beautiful three-year-old tabby cat named Tiger. She chats with Waldo’s Friends and reveals how she accidentally came across Tiger as a kitten outside her apartment, planned on fostering her temporarily, but ended up falling in love with her and giving her a forever home.
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Waldo’s Friends (WF): Hi Shelly! Tell us how you met Tiger.
Shelly Lin (SL): I went home late one night. I heard a cry from a carton box right in front of my apartment building. I walked closer, reached my hand inside the fallen box, and she walked onto on hand. She was just the size of my palm back then. She was left behind with a bunch of kittens, but she stayed because she was the weakest one.

Tiger fit in the palm of my hand
WF: Before Tiger came along, did you have any previous experience with adopting or taking care of animals?
SL: I actually never adopted or owned a cat before Tiger. I had a dog back in Taiwan, so I didn’t even think I would become a cat person. My original plan was to take care of her until she became healthy (she was really underweight when I found her), and then find her a home. However, I ended up taking her in because I simply couldn’t let her go.
WF: What makes your adopted pet unique?
SL: Tiger was the first “office cat” in our company. I had to take her to work because I had to feed her milk formula every three hours. She was so tiny I couldn’t leave her all alone in my apartment. She was the star of the office, growing up loved by many moms and dads. Because of Tiger, we now have many cats and dogs in the office on a daily basis.
WF: Any interesting stories you can share about Tiger?
SL: Tiger was so small when I got her. I researched online about how to care for little kittens, and teaching them how to poop was one of them. Kittens usually learned how to poop or pee from their moms.
I had many failed attempts to show Tiger how to use the litter box. She used to eat the sand. The first time she finally pooped on her own was in a tiny litter box made with cookie packaging. When she did it, everyone in the office cheered!
WF: What are the things your rescue pet enjoys doing with you?
SL: She likes talking to me and waiting beside me in the morning when I wake up to give her a face/head massage.

WF: Why would you personally encourage people to adopt animals?
SL: There are so many reasons! If you want a pet, I don’t see why you need to buy one. Plus, it feels great to know that you’ve probably changed an animal’s destiny by taking him/her into your home.
WF: How has your life changed after Tiger?
SL: Obviously, I have a responsibility now. I can’t take long holidays without making sure she’s being taken care of. But I also get to live with the cutest roommate! It feels good to know that Tiger is waiting for me at home after a long day at work.

WF: What’s the best pet parenting tip you can give for first-time animal owners?
SL: Be sure this is what you want and take responsibility once you’ve made the decision. You will need to give a lot, but the reward would be even more!
Follow the adventures of Tiger on Instagram.
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