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Which legumes and beans can your cat eat? [We review 10 options!]

Cats are curious animals and are often intrigued by what’s on our plates. However, just because something’s edible for you, doesn’t mean that it’s automatically safe for your cat. Beans and legumes are some of the most common foods found in our kitchens and pantries, so pet cats will most likely come across them at… Continue reading Which legumes and beans can your cat eat? [We review 10 options!]

Can Cats Eat Lima Beans?

The short answer: Yes, but only in moderation. The long answer: Lima beans are soft, starchy, green-coloured beans that are a member of the legume family. The seeds are also called by many different names: butter beans, chad beans, double beans, Madagascar beans, sieva beans, and wax beans. They contain fiber, protein, iron, and potassium—nutrients… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Lima Beans?

Can Cats Eat Pinto Beans?

The short answer: Yes, but only in small amounts. The long answer: Packed with protein, fiber, potassium, and magnesium, pinto beans are vegetables that belong to the legume family. They are called “judías pintas” in Spanish, which means speckled beans. This type of bean is known for being cultivated in Northern Mexico and Southwestern United… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Pinto Beans?

Can Cats Eat Soybeans?

The short answer: Yes, but only occasionally. The long answer: Containing the highest amount of protein among all the bean varieties, soybeans come from a legume native to East Asia. This type of bean is commonly cultivated and used as a whole or processed to make soy milk and tofu. Their hairy pods resemble green… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Soybeans?

Can Cats Eat Lentils?

The short answer: Yes, but only in small amounts. The long answer: Lentils are legumes, which belong to the same family as peas, peanuts, and garbanzo beans. They appear as lens-shaped beans and come in different colours such as green, black, brown, red, and orange. Lentils are known for being high in plant-based protein (next… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Lentils?

Can Cats Eat Kidney Beans?

The short answer: Yes, but in moderation. The long answer: Packed with protein and fiber, kidney beans can be eaten by your cat in small amounts. These beans come in red and white varieties, and got their name for resembling the shape of a human kidney. They are high in potassium and zinc, and can… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Kidney Beans?

Can Cats Eat Green Beans?

The short answer: Yes, but in moderation. The long answer: Green beans are immature legumes that go by many names. They are also called string beans, French beans, snap beans, emotes, and haricots verts. These vegetables are known for being packed with protein, fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and vitamins C and B6.  Cats can… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Green Beans?

Can Cats Eat Black Beans?

The short answer: Yes, but only in very small amounts. The long answer: Black beans are edible legumes, which belong to the same family as peanuts, chickpeas, and peas. They are also called turtle beans due to their hard, shell-like appearance. Low in fat and high in vegetable-based protein, these beans contain nutrients such as… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Black Beans?

Can Cats Eat Peas?

The short answer: Yes, but in moderation. The long answer: Containing protein and carbohydrates, peas are legumes that cats can safely consume. They are excellent sources of fiber, which can help support gastrointestinal health. Green or garden peas, snow peas, and snap peas are the three types of peas that can be eaten by your… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Peas?

Can Cats Eat Peanuts?

The short answer: Yes, but only occasionally. The long answer: A peanut is a type of a legume crop that is high in magnesium and iron. Technically speaking, peanuts are high in protein, but cats need protein derived from animal meat, so feeding her peanuts regularly won’t benefit her.  Cooked peanuts can be fed to… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Peanuts?

Can Dogs Eat Lentils?

The short answer: Yes, but in limited quantities. The long answer: Lentils are edible seeds that belong to the legume family. They are grouped together with beans and peas because they all grow in pods. Lentils appear as small, lens-shaped seeds in various colours such as brown, red, green, and black.  When fed to your… Continue reading Can Dogs Eat Lentils?

Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?

The short answer: It is not recommended. The long answer: Peanut butter is a spread made from grounded, dry-roasted peanuts. Store-bought peanut butter is known for being high in protein and fat, but on the downside, it is also packed with salt, sugar, and additives that are harmful for your pet. Though peanut butter is… Continue reading Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?