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How to Help Remove Fleas on Your Cat

Fleas are tiny bugs that move around by jumping from place to place. They can leap onto the coat of your cat, making her skin itchy and sore. Though cats are known to self-groom fastidiously, they won’t always be able to remove these pesky creatures by themselves. That’s where you come in as a helpful… Continue reading How to Help Remove Fleas on Your Cat

How to Deal with Cat Eye Problems

Cats have beautiful, haunting eyes that allow them to clearly see in the dark. But when your cat’s eyes appear red, swollen, or something gooey is keeping them shut, there is definitely something wrong. More importantly, something must be done to help your cat because the eye problem may lead to irreparable consequences.  As a… Continue reading How to Deal with Cat Eye Problems

The Truth about Cats and Water

Most people think cats detest water, avoiding liquid substances or bodies of water at all costs. But the truth of the matter is that not all cats feel the same way. Depending on your cat’s upbringing and early experiences with water, she may or may not like being directly in contact with it.  In this… Continue reading The Truth about Cats and Water

How Long Can Cats Hold Their Pee? | Cat Hydration and Bathroom Habits

Cats are mysterious creatures with strange, undecipherable behaviours. From sticking out their tongues in an adorable way to hissing at you (and making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up in the process), cats take some time to get accustomed to. But once you have an inkling to how your pet’s mind… Continue reading How Long Can Cats Hold Their Pee? | Cat Hydration and Bathroom Habits

5 Reasons Why Your Cat Vomits After Eating

Aside from providing food, shelter, and entertainment to your cat, safeguarding her health is one of your priorities as a pet parent. Witnessing your cat vomit for the first time may be a cause for concern for most owners, but before you go on full panic mode, know that there are multiple reasons why your… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why Your Cat Vomits After Eating

4 Ways to Help Your Pregnant Cat Before She Gives Birth

Before you bring home a rescue cat, it’s a prerequisite in most countries to have the animal neutered. The procedure helps regulate cat population (especially in shelters) and reduces unwanted behaviours and cancers from developing. It is recommended for female kittens to be neutered as early as six to eight weeks of age, or at… Continue reading 4 Ways to Help Your Pregnant Cat Before She Gives Birth

9 Ways to Increase the Chances of Finding a Lost Cat

It’s every cat human’s nightmare. What do you do when your indoor cat suddenly slips through the front door and wanders off? Or how do you deal with it when your domesticated outdoor cat disappears for days? These missing cat scenarios may cause stress for loving owners, but as a responsible cat parent, it’s better… Continue reading 9 Ways to Increase the Chances of Finding a Lost Cat

7 Ways to Help Your Cat Gain Weight

A healthy cat is a happy cat. Contented kitties have all their needs met, from daily food intake and exercise to their mental stimulation and hours of sleep. When your furball suddenly loses weight or is under her prescribed weight (adult cats generally weigh a minimum of about 10 pounds), this is a cause for… Continue reading 7 Ways to Help Your Cat Gain Weight

Kitten Glop: What it is and how to make it

When you’ve decided to adopt or foster a kitten, you’ll be faced with countless challenges such as learning how to groom a cat (you might even need to give her a shower once in a while!), teaching her how to use her litter box, and stopping her from scratching your favourite furniture. Bottle feeding a… Continue reading Kitten Glop: What it is and how to make it

How Often Do Cats Pee (7 Things to Remember)

Have you ever stopped and noticed how many times your cat pees in a day? Urinating is a necessary bodily process that has several essential functions. It helps get rid of waste products after food is converted into energy. It also helps maintain the delicate balance of water and electrolytes in your cat’s body. When… Continue reading How Often Do Cats Pee (7 Things to Remember)

How to Syringe Feed a Cat

Cats are usually private creatures and excel at hiding pain, illness, and discomfort, but when they lose their appetite, it’s a sign that something is wrong. If you notice that your cat has suddenly lost her desire to eat or is vomiting everything she eats, immediately take her to the veterinarian. Your vet may run… Continue reading How to Syringe Feed a Cat

6 Reasons Why Your Cat Vomits White Foam

As a first-time or long-time cat owner, there are so many things you need to learn about cat parenting—from deciphering your cat’s behaviour to keeping her properly groomed to providing her with the proper sustenance. Food plays a very important part in helping a cat stay in tip-top shape, and if you come across Kitty… Continue reading 6 Reasons Why Your Cat Vomits White Foam