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Do-it-yourself hacks for pet parents.

Backyard Fun: Create a Sensory Garden for Your Dog

These days, more and more pawrents are concerned about the well-being of their pets. They focus not just on providing for their pets’ basic needs (food, shelter, and medical care), but on finding unique ways to improve their pets’ physical, mental, and social welfare. Canine owners can go the extra mile for their four-legged best… Continue reading Backyard Fun: Create a Sensory Garden for Your Dog

Backyard Fun: Create a Catio for Your Cat

House cats are natural predators who love to hunt. Just like their ancestors that lived in the wild, they have agile bodies made for hunting as well as keen senses that help them catch their prey. You’ll see it in the way your cat leaps to catch the feather at the end of the wand… Continue reading Backyard Fun: Create a Catio for Your Cat

12 Easy DIY Toys to Make for Cats and Dogs

As pawrents, we’ve all fallen under the marketing spell of the “hottest” pet toys and bought them for our furbabies… only to find them ignored and gathering dust in a corner. Instead, our pets have found joy in the simplest of things, such as an old teddy bear or a tattered paper bag that has… Continue reading 12 Easy DIY Toys to Make for Cats and Dogs

Your Complete Puppy Starter Kit

Getting a new puppy home is a fun experience and as much as you prepare, one that comes with several last minute runs to the neighbourhood pet store. Most new pup parents prepare with beds, toys and kibble, but the complete puppy starter kit looks a lot longer and takes some research. Enter: our complete… Continue reading Your Complete Puppy Starter Kit