Can Cats Eat Steak? | Waldo's Friends

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Can Cats Eat Steak?

Can Cats Eat Steak?

Yes, cats can eat steak as long as it is prepared properly and consumed in limited amounts.

Steak traditionally comes from beef, a type of meat that is sourced from cattle. These days, pork, lamb, turkey, salmon, and swordfish have also become alternate sources of steak meat. Since cats are obligate carnivores that need animal-derived protein to function at their best, your cat can eat steak with a few caveats. 

Your cat should only eat the lean cuts of plain, cooked steak. It should be devoid of toxic ingredients such as salt, onion, and garlic as well as other herbs and seasonings found in the kitchen.

Additionally, raw or undercooked steak is not recommended for cats. This might have harmful pathogens and parasites such as E. coli, listeria, campylobacteriosis, salmonella, roundworms, and tapeworms. When your cat eats contaminated steak, she may experience digestive problems. These include diarrhea, vomiting, appetite loss, fever, urinary distress, and excessive thirst. 

How to feed steak to your cat: Grill, pan fry, roast, or boil the piece of human-grade steak. Do not add unnecessary flavourings. Make sure the steak is cooked enough before slicing it into smaller, bite-sized pieces. Take out the fat and bones before serving it to your cat.

In summary: Steak is a great source of protein, vitamin B12, cholesterol, and fat. It can help maintain your cat’s circulatory, nervous, and reproductive systems. But before including steak in your cat’s regular diet, speak with your veterinarian to find out how often and how much you can give to her. Your cat’s age, weight, size, physical activities, and health conditions will determine the right amount you should give her. 

Aside from steak, discover which meat products you can safely feed to your pet cat in our blog.


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