Can Cats Eat Pork Mince? | Waldo's Friends

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Can Cats Eat Pork Mince?

Can Cats Eat Pork Mince?

Yes, cats can eat pork mince occasionally, but only if it’s cooked and unseasoned.

Minced pork is pork meat that has been chopped finely into smaller pieces. The mincing process is done with the help of a meat grinder, a mincing machine, or a knife. The meat used for pork mince is usually the pork shoulder and trimmed loin ends.

Cats are allowed to eat cooked pork, but only in limited amounts as it is high in sodium and fat. Similarly, pork mince can be given to cats when it is cooked and prepared properly. It should not be mixed with salt, onion, garlic, and other dangerous herbs and spices that may harm your cat. Butter, oils, and heavy sauces should also be avoided.  

Whether it’s made from pork or beef, it is not recommended for cats to eat raw mince as there’s a high risk of contamination. Bacteria and parasites may be found on raw pork mince especially when they come from unclean sources. 

How to feed pork mince to your cat: Speak with your veterinarian to find out if your cat can eat cooked pork mince. Get the recommended serving portion and frequency, and choose the type with less fat. Boil or steam the pork mince without adding seasonings. Let it cool before topping a small portion over her regular meal. 

If you are keen on feeding raw pork mince, make sure you get your veterinarian’s opinion on the matter and discuss all the risks involved. 

In summary: Cats are obligate carnivores that need animal-derived protein in their daily diet. Since pork is known for being high in sodium and fat, cooked pork mince should only be given to your kitty once in a while and in limited quantities. Opt to cook lean pork mince that does not contain harmful seasonings. 

Aside from giving her pork mince, learn which human foods you can safely feed to your pet cat through our “can cats eat” category.


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Can Cats Eat Pork Mince?

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