Can Cats Eat Lettuce? | Waldo's Friends

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Can Cats Eat Lettuce?

Can Cats Eat Lettuce?

The short answer: Yes, but in limited amounts.

The long answer: Lettuce is a leafy vegetable that is often eaten by humans as a salad or added to sandwiches and wraps. It is low in calories but high in water, fiber, vitamins A and K, and folate. Cats need to consume food rich in animal-derived protein for their bodies to function properly, but it doesn’t mean they cannot eat vegetables. 

Lettuce is generally a safe choice to include in your cat’s diet, with dark and organic lettuce as the best types to feed her. However, you should limit the amount of lettuce you give to prevent digestive issues from occurring.  

How to feed lettuce to your cat: Wash the lettuce thoroughly. Remove rotten and hard parts that may cause choking. Do not add any salad dressings or ingredients such as salt, onion, or garlic that are toxic for your cat. See how your cat responds to being served a whole leaf versus chopped or shredded lettuce.

Here are three ideas for sweet potato treats your cat will love:

  1. Add texture to your cat’s wet food by including shredded lettuce. 
  2. Let her eat a small piece of lettuce leaf from your hand.
  3. Try mixing chopped lettuce to your homemade cat treats.

In summary: Lettuce can help with your cat’s vision, immunity, blood circulation, and growth development. The vegetable may be beneficial for cats that need more water in their diet, or those that need to lose weight. It may also be given as a safer alternative to cats who are fond of chewing on houseplants. But before adding it to her diet, speak with your veterinarian to confirm if your cat can have it. 


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