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Can Cats Eat Cookies?

Can Cats Eat Cookies?

Also called biscuits, cookies are small, round-shaped baked treats that are eaten by humans as snacks or desserts. The cookie dough is typically made with flour, sugar, egg, oil, and butter. Some of these ingredients (cooked eggs and flour) may be eaten by cats in moderation, but the additional flavourings are potential hazards for cats. Common cookie toppings that are toxic for cats include chocolate chips, raisins, and nuts (such as walnuts and almonds). In addition, some commercial brands use xylitol as a sugar replacement, which is highly poisonous for cats. 

Cats are obligate carnivores that need to consume protein-rich meat for their bodies to function properly. Cookies are high in carbohydrates and low in nutrients needed by your kitty. Offering cookies to her on a regular basis may lead to weight gain and feline obesity.    

What to do if your cat accidentally eats cookies: Review the nutritional facts label to determine all the ingredients used for the cookie. If you spot any toxic ingredients, contact your veterinarian immediately. 

Observe your cat for poisoning. General symptoms include salivation, vomiting, difficulty in breathing, twitching and fitting, diarrhea, shock or collapse, skin inflammation or swelling, depression or coma, and changes in appetite, drinking, and urinating. She may manifest other symptoms depending on how much of the toxic substance is included in the cookie and the amount she ate. 

In summary: Cookies may not be the best treat to offer cats, especially when you’re not sure what ingredients are in them. Err on the safe side and consult with your veterinarian before offering your cat cookies or other snacks made specifically for humans. Instead of giving her store-bought cookies, why not bake her homemade cat-friendly cookies? Find out which ingredients are safe to use by checking out our blog’s “can cats eat” category.


Wikipedia: Cookie

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