Are Sweet Potato Plants Toxic to Cats? | Waldo's Friends

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Are Sweet Potato Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Sweet Potato Plants Toxic to Cats?

No, sweet potato plants are not toxic to cats.

Belonging to the genus Ipomoea, sweet potato plants produce long, edible root vegetables. Their outer skin can come in various colours such as orange, yellow, red, purple, and brown. Native to tropical regions of the Americas, this vegetable cultivar can be safely eaten by cats in raw or plainly cooked forms. Aside from being grown for food, some varieties are also cultivated as an ornamental plant commonly called tuberous morning glory.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) reports that sweet potato vine plants are non-toxic to cats. There are no known toxic principles in its vines, shoots, stems, and leaves. 

What to do if your cat accidentally comes into contact with, chews, or eats sweet potato plants: Your feline pet should not display any adverse effects as long as she only consumes a small amount of unseasoned sweet potato. If you are offering her the cooked variety, make sure these bite-sized pieces do not have salt, sugar, onion, garlic, and other potentially harmful flavourings. Be sure to limit her servings as too much may cause vomiting, upset stomach, and/or diarrhea. 

With regards to the plant itself, nothing bad should happen if your cat brushes her body against it or if she decides to chew on its leaves. However, remember that fertilisers or pesticides applied on the sweet potato plant may cause poisoning. 

In summary: Sweet potato plants and cats may coexist without harm. In fact, occasionally treating them to a piece of the root vegetable may improve their well-being.

Aside from sweet potato plants, discover which other edible plants are safe for cats. Reviewing these lists compiled by ASPCA, Pet Poison Helpline, and PetMD


Sweet potato – Wikipedia

Sweet Potato Vine | ASPCA

Can Cats Eat Sweet Potato? What You Need to Know!


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