Are Nerve Plants Toxic to Cats? | Waldo's Friends

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Are Nerve Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Nerve Plants Toxic to Cats?

No, nerve plants are not toxic to cats.

Fittonia or nerve plants are flowering plants from the Acanthaceae family. Its other monikers include jewel plant, mosaic plant, silver nerve, and silver threads. Common nerve plant varieties include F. albivenis and F. verschaffeltii, which have highly contrasting veins in white or pink on their green leaves. 

Cat and dog owners will be happy to know that nerve plants are safe around their pets. This indoor plant does not contain any toxic compounds that may harm them. Nevertheless, it’s important to keep curious kitties away from nerve plants. Aside from chewing or playing with its leaves or soil, they may knock over the pot. 

What to do if your cat accidentally comes into contact with, chews, or eats nerve plants: Nothing bad should happen to your feline pet if she accidentally bites or ingests any portion of the plant. Still, she could experience choking, intestinal blockage, or stomach upset if she eats a considerable amount of it. 

Also, be wary of spraying or applying harmful chemicals on your nerve plant and its soil as your cat may lick or eat them. If this happens, contact your veterinarian. Observe your pet for symptoms of poisoning. These may manifest as salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, twitching and fitting, difficulty in breathing, shock or collapse, skin inflammation or swelling, and depression or coma. Also, observe her for changes in her excreting, drinking, and eating habits.

In summary: Nerve plants can be a safe and beautiful addition to a cat owner’s home. If you already own indoor plants, discover ways on how you can cat-proof them by reading this article. Plus, aside from growing ornamental plants, why don’t you grow plants that cats can eat?


Fittonia – Wikipedia

Nerve Plant | ASPCA

Poisoning in Cats

10 Pet-Safe Plants To Brighten Up Your Space

19 Pet-Friendly Plants for Your Home

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