Are Blackberry Plants Toxic to Dogs? | Waldo's Friends

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Are Blackberry Plants Toxic to Dogs?

Are Blackberry Plants Toxic to Dogs?

No, blackberry plants are non-toxic to dogs.

The blackberry fruit comes from the plant of the same name. It belongs to the Rosaceae family, and falls under the Rubus genus. The perennial plant can bear tasty fruits as well as beautiful flowers. But if unmanaged, it can grow to form dense arching stems with sharp prickles.

Blackberry fruits and plants are generally non-toxic for dogs. However, the thorns found on its stems may injure your pet. Plus, consuming too many leaves may cause gastrointestinal upset. So if you plan on growing blackberry plants in your backyard, make sure to keep them fenced off to prevent accidents.    

What to do if your dog accidentally comes into contact with, chews, or eats blackberry plants: There are no toxic compounds found in blackberry plants that may poison your pup. The problem lies in the physical composition of the plant. The prickles may wound his mouth, tongue, and skin as he tries to eat the fruits or sniff around the plant.

Some sources state that blackberry fruits have trace amounts of xylitol—a natural sugar compound that’s highly toxic for pets. Therefore, it’s always best to monitor how many blackberries your dog eats. If you suspect he ate too much in one sitting, contact your veterinarian immediately. Also, take note of these xylitol poisoning symptoms. Observe him for excessive diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, weakness, incoordination, collapse, seizure, and blood in stool or vomit.

In summary: Blackberry is a type of edible berry dogs can enjoy in limited quantities. Since the plant may injure your canine pet, it is highly recommended to place it in an inaccessible area. 

Before you consider receiving a bouquet of flowers or buying a new houseplant, check out these lists by ASPCA, PetMD, and Pet Poison Helpline. They’ll help you determine which ones are safe for dogs.


Blackberry – Wikipedia

Can Dogs Eat Blackberries? Are Blackberries Safe or Toxic For Dogs?

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Can Dogs Eat Blackberries? What You Need To Know

Can Dogs Eat Blackberries?

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