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Which seafood products can your cat eat? [We explore 8 options!]

To stay in tip-top shape, a cat must eat complete and balanced food appropriate for her age, size, weight, and activity levels. Her meals should contain the right levels of animal-derived protein and fat to make her systems function properly. Seafood is technically edible meat that comes from water-dwelling animals, but does this mean that… Continue reading Which seafood products can your cat eat? [We explore 8 options!]

The Difference Between Kitten Food and Cat Food

There are so many things a first-time cat parent needs to learn, such as preparing a starter kit before your cat comes home to finding ways to groom her at home. Depending on the age of the cat you decide to adopt or foster, you’ll also need to provide the right meals so that she… Continue reading The Difference Between Kitten Food and Cat Food