It depends.
A fermented dairy product, yogurt is eaten by many humans because of its healthy bacteria that improves digestive health. However, not all types of commercially sold yogurt are recommended for cats. This is because they may be high in lactose and sugar content, both of which do not go well with their stomachs.
In itself, fresh strawberries can be eaten by cats occasionally and in moderation. Since they are obligate carnivores, they do not need a lot of fruits in their diet. A lick of plain, homemade Greek yogurt mixed with slices of fresh strawberries won’t harm your cat.
On the other hand, cats should not eat commercially sold strawberry yogurt. This is because of existing flavourings and preservatives that are not good for cats. Artificial colours, sweeteners (especially Xylitol), and highly processed gums or thickeners may be included in them.
What to do if your cat accidentally eats strawberry yogurt: Check all the ingredients listed on the nutrition facts label. If it includes anything toxic for cats, contact your veterinarian immediately.
More importantly, observe your cat for poisoning. Symptoms may manifest as salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, twitching and fitting, difficulty in breathing, and changes in drinking, urinating, and appetite. She may also display skin inflammation or swelling, depression or coma, and shock or collapse.
In summary: Your cat can try a bite of your strawberry yogurt only if it comes from plain, unflavoured Greek yogurt added with pieces of the tart fruit. In fact, it may give her nutrients such as protein, calcium, potassium, and B vitamins.
Avoid giving commercially sold strawberry yogurt packed with sugar, colouring, and other unsafe ingredients for cats. Instead, stick to healthier treats that come from fresh vegetables, herbs, seeds, beans, and legumes. Explore our “can cats eat” category to discover which human foods you can safely give.
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