Can Cats Eat Popcorn? | Waldo's Friends

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Can Cats Eat Popcorn?

Can Cats Eat Popcorn?

The long answer: Cats are obligate carnivores that do not need carbohydrates in their diet. Since popcorn is high in carbohydrates, feeding them to your cat should be kept to a minimum. A few pieces of air-popped, unflavoured popcorn is okay for your cat to consume. However, it becomes harmful for her once the snack is seasoned with salt, cheese, chocolate, and other flavourings. Pre-packed popcorn is known to contain additives and seasonings that are not good for your cat to consume. 

It is also important to note that the popcorn kernels can also be a choking risk and digestive hazard, especially to kittens. If you’re giving your cat a popcorn treat, be mindful of the pieces that you feed to her.

What to do if your cat accidentally eats popcorn: Check the nutrition facts label of your popcorn, and contact your vet immediately if it contains any harmful ingredients for your cat. Keep an eye on your cat for any physical or behavioural changes.

In summary: Though popcorn is derived from corn, it does not contain any nutritional value that will benefit your cat. If your cat consumes a few popcorn kernels, it won’t pose a risk unless it blocks her respiratory or digestive system. If you’re thinking of giving her treats, you are better off feeding her cat-safe vegetables such as zucchini, celery, or carrots


Can Cats Eat Popcorn?

Can Cats Eat Popcorn Or Is It Bad For Them?

Can Cats Eat Popcorn?

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