Can Cats Eat Baked Beans? | Waldo's Friends

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Can Cats Eat Baked Beans?

Can Cats Eat Baked Beans?

The short answer: No.

The long answer: A combination of white beans and sweet sauce, baked beans are high in protein and fiber but not necessarily good for your feline pet. Garlic and onion may be found in the baked beans mixture—two ingredients that are known to be harmful to cats.    

Canned baked beans may contain the sweetener xylitol and salt, which may cause hypoglycemia and/or pancreatitis.

What to do if your cat accidentally eats baked beans: Check the ingredients of your baked beans, and keep a close eye on your cat for the next 24 hours. Watch for symptoms of salt poisoning, which include decreased appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and excessive thirst. Additionally, observe for high heart rate, panting, weakness, and blood in urine for possible garlic or onion poisoning. If she exhibits any of these, call your veterinarian immediately. 

In summary: Baked beans should never be fed to your cat because it might cause immediate health complications. If you really want to let her eat beans, make sure they are thoroughly washed and cooked only in water (no sugar, salt, or other seasonings) until they are soft enough to be digested. Limit the feeding of cooked beans to a few pieces. 


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