Are String of Pearl Plants Toxic to Cats? | Waldo's Friends

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Are String of Pearl Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are String of Pearl Plants Toxic to Cats?

Yes, string of pearl plants are toxic to cats. 

The string of pearl plant is a flowering plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. Named after the British botanist Gordon Douglas Rowley, its scientific names include Curio rowleyanus and Senecio rowleyanus. Aside from string of pearls, this succulent plant is also commercially sold as string of beads because of its green, teardrop-shaped leaves that look like small pearls. The unique shape of its leaves actually help the plant store water and absorb light better. 

Similar to other succulents, string of pearls is highly poisonous to cats. The plant’s sap is not only harmful to cats and dogs, but also to humans. Therefore, it is best to keep it away from curious kittens and young children. 

What to do if your cat accidentally comes into contact with, chews, or eats a string of pearl plant: Your cat may experience different levels of poisoning based on her size, how she was exposed, and the amount of toxin she was exposed to. Skin irritation, oral irritation, and/or gastrointestinal upset may occur.  

Speak with your veterinarian immediately. Take the plant away from your pet, and remove any remaining plant matter found on her. Monitor her closely for poisoning while keeping her in a confined area. Watch for salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, twitching and fitting, difficulty in breathing, skin inflammation or swelling, lethargy or weakness, and shock or collapse. Also, watch for increased aggression, lack of grooming, excessive hiding, and changes in her eating, drinking, urinating, and sleeping habits. If her symptoms worsen, bring her to the veterinary clinic. 

In summary: A string of pearl plant may seem like a stunning addition to your garden. However, its high toxic levels make it a bad choice for cat owners. Instead of growing string of pearls, discover which other plants and flowers are safe for your pet by visiting PetMD, ASPCA, and Pet Poison Helpline


Curio rowleyanus – Wikipedia

String of Pearls is Toxic to Cats

Are All Succulents Poisonous to Cats, or Just Some of Them?

String of Pearls

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