Are Pink Polka Dot Plants Toxic to Cats? | Waldo's Friends

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Are Pink Polka Dot Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Pink Polka Dot Plants Toxic to Cats?

No, pink polka dot plants are not toxic to cats.

Pink polka dot plants have pale or deep pink leaves that are combined with other vibrant colours. The colours appear to be sprayed on the plant’s oval-shaped foliage. These beautiful ornamental plants fall under the Acanthaceae family and the Hypoestes genus. They are native to countries such as South Africa, Southeast Asia, and Madagascar. A popular pink polka dot plant species is the H. phyllostachya Pink Splash.

Baby’s tears, measles plant, and freckle face are other names for the pink polka dot plant. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) shares that polka dot plants are safe for cats, dogs, and horses. However, there is an unknown principle that may cause mild gastrointestinal symptoms in some animals. Because of this, it’s best to place the plant in hard-to-reach areas or rooms your cat doesn’t have access to. 

What to do if your cat accidentally comes into contact with, chews, or eats pink polka dot plants: Since your cat is an obligate carnivore, she does not have the ability to properly digest large amounts of plant matter. If she eats a big chunk in one go, she may experience choking as well as intestinal blockage. As ASPCA reports, mild vomiting and diarrhea may manifest after your pet cat eats a portion of the pink polka dot plant. 

Also, be careful if your plant or soil contains dangerous chemicals such as fertilisers or pesticides that may cause poisoning. Signs include vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, difficulty in breathing, twitching and fitting, and shock or collapse. She may also display depression or coma, skin inflammation or swelling, and changes in her urinating, drinking, and eating. Contact your veterinarian immediately, and, if necessary, take her to the emergency clinic.

In summary: Pink polka dot plants are a great and relatively safe addition to a cat owner’s garden collection. Aside from Hypoestes phyllostachya, discover which plants and flowers are pet-friendly by visiting ASPCA, Pet Poison Helpline, and PetMD


Hypoestes phyllostachya – Wikipedia

Polka Dot Plant | ASPCA

Are Polka Dot Plants Toxic to Cats? Keeping Your Cat Safe

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