Are Bonsai Plants Toxic to Cats? | Waldo's Friends

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Are Bonsai Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Bonsai Plants Toxic to Cats?

Some bonsai plants are toxic to cats. 

Bonsai is a Japanese term for a single tree or a group of miniature trees grown in shallow containers. The same term is used for small potted plants, which are pruned and grown to replicate full-sized trees. Any type of woody perennial tree or shrub with tiny leaves can become a bonsai plant. In fact, many people grow bonsai plants because of its aesthetic value.

Since different species of plants can be used, certain bonsai plants can be harmful to cats. Jadeficus, azaleas, Norfolk island pine, cherry trees, pine trees, and sweet plums are some examples of toxic bonsai plants. On the other hand, there are many feline-safe alternatives you can choose from. Bamboo palm, juniper bonsai, maple bonsai, money tree, parlor palm, peperomia green, prayer plant, and ponytail palm are some prime examples.  

What to do if your cat accidentally comes into contact with, chews, or eats bonsai plants: It depends on the type of bonsai plant your cat interacts with. If you suspect that it is poisonous, contact your veterinarian immediately. Furthermore, take your cat away from the plant, and place her in a confined space. Check and remove any plant matter found on your cat’s skin, fur, mouth, tongue, and paws.

More importantly, monitor your cat for symptoms of poisoning and let your vet know about them. These may include vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, difficulty in breathing, twitching and fitting, and shock or collapse. In some cases, she may experience skin inflammation or swelling, depression or coma, as well as changes in her eating, drinking, and urinating.

If her symptoms worsen, take her to the emergency clinic. Bring a sample of the bonsai plant to help them determine the poisonous substance. 

In summary: Bonsai plants may be fun to cultivate at home. Just make sure the type of bonsai you choose does not contain toxins that may affect your beloved cats.  

Check out the lists created by PetMD, ASPCA, and Pet Poison Helpline. They’ll help you determine which ones are harmful or safe for cats.


Bonsai – Wikipedia

Are Bonsai Trees Poisonous to Cats?

Bonsai Trees for Cats: A Guide to Feline-Friendly Growing

Are Bonsai Trees Poisonous To Cats? Keeping Your Cat Safe

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