Cat parenting has its ups and downs. Though owners are rewarded with having cuddly companions for life, a drawback is constantly needing to provide for these four-legged creatures. Grooming them, playing with them (try making cat-approved DIY toys), and giving them nourishing food are just some of the things that need to be done regularly.… Continue reading Should I Get a Self-Cleaning Litter Box for My Cat?
Cats are mysterious creatures with strange, undecipherable behaviours. From sticking out their tongues in an adorable way to hissing at you (and making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up in the process), cats take some time to get accustomed to. But once you have an inkling to how your pet’s mind… Continue reading How Long Can Cats Hold Their Pee? | Cat Hydration and Bathroom Habits
Potty training is an essential part of every dog’s life. Bringing a pup home comes with a flurry of excitement, especially for first-time dog owners. The sound of tiny paws scurrying across the floor will melt your heart, and the regular routine in your house will go straight out the window. It’s not until everything… Continue reading Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose a Pet Loo for Your Dog
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