Can Dogs Eat Whipped Cream? | Waldo's Friends

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Can Dogs Eat Whipped Cream?

Can Dogs Eat Whipped Cream?

The short answer: It depends.

The long answer: Whipped cream is commonly made of heavy cream, a natural sweetener (such as sugar, honey, or maple syrup), and vanilla extract. When broken down into its individual components, some whipped cream ingredients cannot be consumed by dogs. 

Made from the high fat part of fresh milk, heavy cream is a dairy product that cannot be digested by your dog because his body does not produce lactase. This enzyme is responsible for breaking down the lactose found in cream. As such, too much cream can cause vomiting, gas, diarrhea, digestive upset, and mild distress to your dog. If your dog is milk intolerant, there’s a big chance that his stomach won’t be able to digest this treat properly.

Similarly, sugar may lead to gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting, diarrhea, and inflammation. Too much of it can cause weight gain, diabetes, obesity, and dental cavities. Honey may be consumed by your dog, but only occasionally in limited quantities. Meanwhile, vanilla extract contains high amounts of alcohol, which is known to be toxic for dogs. 

Technically speaking, dogs may be fed small quantities of whipped cream once in a while. However, this treat can only be given to pooches who are not allergic or intolerant to dairy, as well as those who are not obese or diabetic since it is high in sugar and saturated fat.

What to do if your dog accidentally eats whipped cream: Keep a close watch on your dog. If he vomits, experiences the runs, and/or shows signs of abdominal discomfort, contact your veterinarian immediately. 

In summary: As long as your dog is not sensitive to the ingredients found in your whipped cream, he may occasionally consume limited amounts of it (about 2 to 4 ounces depending on his size). To be on the safe side, you can even make your own dog-friendly whipped cream.


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Wikipedia: Whipped cream

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