Can Cats Eat Almonds? | Waldo's Friends

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Can Cats Eat Almonds?

Can Cats Eat Almonds?

Almonds are a type of nut known to have high levels of fat. Because of this, it is not recommended for cats to eat them. Though munching on one to two pieces of almonds may not affect your pet, allowing her to consume too much may cause vomiting and diarrhea. When regularly fed to your cat, its long-term effects include pancreatitis and weight gain.  

More than just being high in fat, almonds contain the chemical compound cyanogenic glycosides. This natural toxin is also found in apple seeds and peach pits, and can cause poisoning. Symptoms include hyperventilation, dilated pupils, and upset stomach. 

Almond milk, on the other hand, may be occasionally given to your cat in small amounts. This lactose-free drink is good for cats with cardiovascular problems since it is packed with omega-3 fatty acids and low saturated fat.

What to do if your cat accidentally eats almonds: Observe your cat closely for the next 24 hours. Check the nutrition label for other ingredients that may have been used to flavour the almonds. Contact your veterinarian immediately if you discover that the almonds she ate were mixed with salt, sugar, garlic, or onion or coated in chocolate or cocoa powder. All these ingredients are poisonous for your cat and may be lethal depending on her size and the quantity she ate. 

In summary: Almonds are a great source of nut-based protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber. Your pet cat may occasionally eat one or two pieces of almonds, but make sure to feed her unflavoured ones to prevent health complications from arising. 


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Are Almonds Poisonous to Cats?

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