Can Cats Eat Lemongrass? | Waldo's Friends

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Can Cats Eat Lemongrass?

Can Cats Eat Lemongrass?

Also known as oil grass, lemongrass is a plant that comes from the Poaceae family. It is used by humans for aromatherapy, medicinal, and culinary purposes. According to the ASPCA, the leafy plant contains toxic principles such as essential oils and cyanogenic glycosides. 

Simply nibbling on the plant isn’t likely to harm your cat, but if she eats a substantial amount, she may end up with an upset stomach. Plus, there’s a risk of intestinal blockage because your cat doesn’t have the capacity to digest fibrous food. Eating large amounts of lemongrass may also indicate an underlying nutritional deficiency or disease such as anemia and hyperthyroidism. 

In concentrated oil form, lemongrass is toxic for cats and should be kept away from your pet at all times. If your kitten or cat accidentally consumes it, she may display these symptoms: swollen abdomen, fever, shock, vomiting, anorexia, and difficulty in passing stool. Extreme cases may also cause urine leakage, inability to defecate, chronic cystitis (a painful pressure or burning in the pelvic region), and weakness of hind legs.

What to do if your cat accidentally eats lemongrass: Observe your cat for any changes in her mood, behaviour, eating, and litter box habits. Speak with your veterinarian if she does something out of the ordinary, and keep the lemongrass away from her. 

However, if your cat accidentally consumed lemongrass oil, contact your veterinarian immediately. She may exhibit varying symptoms depending on the level of purity and amount of oil she consumed. 

In summary: A fragrant plant that’s easy to grow, lemongrass offers many uses for humans. Though it’s tempting to grow or have this herb around your cat, it is advisable to limit your cat’s exposure to prevent gastrointestinal upset. Instead of offering her lemongrass to graze, why not give her catnip or wheatgrass? You can also discover which fruits, vegetables, and other human foods you can safely feed your cat in our blog. 


Wikipedia: Cymbopogon

ASPCA: Lemon Grass

Lemongrass & Cats

Is Lemongrass Plant and Lemongrass Oil Safe for Cats?

Can Cats Eat Lemongrass – Everything You Need to Know!

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