Are Jade Plants Toxic to Cats? | Waldo's Friends

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Are Jade Plants Toxic to Cats?

Are Jade Plants Toxic to Cats?

Yes, jade plants are mildly toxic to cats. 

Part of the Crassulaceae family, the jade plant goes by many names. People also know it as baby jade, dwarf/Chinese rubber plant, lucky plant, money plant, and money tree. The plant’s signature feature is its thick, shiny, fleshy dark green leaves that grow upwards in opposing pairs. It is a popular indoor plant because it can survive with little sunlight and water. 

ASPCA reveals that this particular succulent is poisonous for pet cats and dogs. Its toxic principles are unknown, but it can cause vomiting, incoordination, slow heart rate, and depression when ingested. Depression may manifest as lack of grooming, increase in aggression, lethargy and weakness, and excessive sleeping and/or hiding.

What to do if your cat accidentally comes into contact with, chews, or eats jade plants: If you see your cat munching on a jade plant’s leaves or branches, get in touch with your veterinarian immediately. Don’t wait for symptoms to show as it may take one to four hours before they manifest. In addition, take the chewed pieces of the plant away from your pet. 

Preventive Vet reports that jade plants are only mildly toxic and can be resolved without treatment. However, since it is not known how much of it can harm your cat, it is best to monitor her conditions closely. She will be treated depending on how much she ate and her existing symptoms. 

In summary: Thought to bring financial abundance, jade plants may cause more harm than good for pet parents. Cat parents eager to bring home this houseplant should opt for other feline-friendly options. Check out the lists of ASPCA, PetMD, and Pet Poison Helpline to assist you in determining which ones are safe for cats.


Jade Plant | ASPCA

Crassula ovata – Wikipedia

Jade Plant Poisoning in Cats

Common Household Plants That Are Toxic to Cats

Poisonous Houseplants: 10 Indoor Plants For Pet Owners And Parents To Avoid

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